View Full Version : Referral success

Joe C
13-10-15, 23:54
So having suffered for 12 years, I've had CBT and am in a much more stable place, my blips Don't go on as long because I've learned to have some level of control over them, I'm off all meds, have a very understanding newly wed wife and in general am a lot happier than say 6 years ago. That being said I do still suffer occasionally and would like to get a proper diagnosis with a psychiatrist as I've never really had one and have some proper talk therapy to find the route cause of my anxiety and eradicate it. I don't know if it's even possible to completely cure anxiety but would like to try. I'm guessing with the current state of the nhs getting referred by a doctor is going to be very difficult? I gave up with my local surgery a couple of years ago as the doctors just seemed to not deem me a serious enough case (maybe I'm not in their eyes) because I won't harm myself or anyone else. But I pay the same as every other hard working Brit and feel I should be entitled to treatment if I'm suffering.

I'm going to try changing doctors and being a little bit more insistent on a referral, I don't mind waiting as CBT has helped me to cope in the short term, but in my mind I shouldn't have to cope, I should be receiving the help that all of us who want to help ourselves deserve.

15-10-15, 20:41
I know what you mean. I think sometimes you have to fit a certain criteria before you are taken seriously. I certainly had to work hard to receive the support that was available.

I was given an appointment with a psychiatrist once to discuss medication. I was having cbt at the time.

Instead of saying you're in danger of hurting yourself say you think you may have to stop working. You'd like therapy and an app with a psychiatrist to discuss medication as you have big fears about medication reactions etc
Their ears prick up when you suggest you may stop working. That's what I found anyway.

15-10-15, 21:18
Definitely agree about the stopping working. As soon as I said it was affecting my university studies and then later my work, I was taken a lot more seriously.

Keep seeing different doctors in your surgery if you can and even if it takes a few, one will listen to you properly.

Joe C
15-10-15, 22:50
Thanks guys for your help, means a lot x