View Full Version : Please help!!

14-10-15, 03:51
Hi there

Can someone please help !?

I have been unwell for two months now and I feel I am getting worse
my symptoms started on the left side of body with like an inside itchy feeling
that moves around the body..its like a ticklish itchy inside feeling very annoying
I had it in the shoulder and left thigh and when one symptom subsides for abit another one pops up but its with me 24/7 i cant get relief.then it feels like my ears are sometimes itchy inside but I can't get to it this comes and goes and sometimes feels like my whole head is itchy! Or ticklish..I had another sensation of pins and needles on my back but that has subsided. I then developed muscle twitches left side of body and got freaked out that they were only on one side and then they moved to the right also and by the time I knew it it was all over!! I am now having what feels like hot burning sensations in back of arms and sometimes random on other parts of body and now it feels like my left hand is stiff in the morning and the reflexes feel slow..I have had MRI's of head and spine all clear and I've seen a neurologist and had an EMG nerve test all negative
my dr tells me its anxiety disorder...but why dont I believe it! I am convinced I am dying of some deadly illness!!! like ALS or peripheral neuropathy thats slowly killing me
I keep googling my symptoms all day constantly I am googling
I cant go to work or anything at the moment and just want to stay in bed
I go to sleep throughout the day only for like not even an hour then jump awake and panic and Google my symptoms..... please someone help or if they can give advice!!! I want my life back :(( I can't take it anymore I am worrying all my family and my sister is getting married in 2 weeks in Fiji and I am the maid of honor and I cannot go because of the way I am feeli g
I am going to miss my beautiful sisters wedding and never get this moment again!!! I am crying as I am typing this because how did I get here!!!

14-10-15, 04:16
Hiya Maria90 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

14-10-15, 09:44
Hi there

Can someone please help !?

I have been unwell for two months now and I feel I am getting worse
my symptoms started on the left side of body with like an inside itchy feeling
that moves around the body..its like a ticklish itchy inside feeling very annoying
I had it in the shoulder and left thigh and when one symptom subsides for abit another one pops up but its with me 24/7 i cant get relief.then it feels like my ears are sometimes itchy inside but I can't get to it this comes and goes and sometimes feels like my whole head is itchy! Or ticklish..I had another sensation of pins and needles on my back but that has subsided. I then developed muscle twitches left side of body and got freaked out that they were only on one side and then they moved to the right also and by the time I knew it it was all over!! I am now having what feels like hot burning sensations in back of arms and sometimes random on other parts of body and now it feels like my left hand is stiff in the morning and the reflexes feel slow..I have had MRI's of head and spine all clear and I've seen a neurologist and had an EMG nerve test all negative
my dr tells me its anxiety disorder...but why dont I believe it! I am convinced I am dying of some deadly illness!!! like ALS or peripheral neuropathy thats slowly killing me
I keep googling my symptoms all day constantly I am googling
I cant go to work or anything at the moment and just want to stay in bed
I go to sleep throughout the day only for like not even an hour then jump awake and panic and Google my symptoms..... please someone help or if they can give advice!!! I want my life back :(( I can't take it anymore I am worrying all my family and my sister is getting married in 2 weeks in Fiji and I am the maid of honor and I cannot go because of the way I am feeli g
I am going to miss my beautiful sisters wedding and never get this moment again!!! I am crying as I am typing this because how did I get here!!!

Hey Maria,
that ticklish or burning feeling on the skin is a common side effect of stress- so I'd be inclined to agree with your doctor that you are suffering with anxiety; the more you stress about what might be happening to you the worse it'll feel, try and relax and ignore it and it'll go away in time, when you do feel it remind yourself it isn't real and is just psychosomatic (all in your mind). Go to your sisters wedding, avoiding it will just make you worse :)

16-10-15, 02:32
Hi Maria.

FIRSTLY, you are not dying, you are panicking.

I can relate to your concerns about your doctor telling you one thing but you believing something else. I am EXACTLY the same- My own GP and an A&E doctor have both told me that I am suffering from 'Acute anxiety' but my fears, panic, worry and thoughts tell me that they are both wrong.

You sound like you are in alot of turmoil, again I can relate to this as can the other people on this forum. How you're feeling is very well documented and experienced by others but that likely doesn't help to reassure you because to be honest it doesn't reassure me either.

However on this site you will at least find common ground with others and be able to express your worries and hopefully find some help.

I am in a pretty bad place too, so I am probably not the best person to be telling you to relax or rationalise because my anxiety (if that's what it is) eats away at me and is nothing but a nightmare.

I hope you find the strength to go to your sister's wedding. In the meantime don't be afraid to private message for a chat.

Definitely read some of the other posts on here as you will find people who are experiencing similar things to you.

Take care.

16-10-15, 11:10
Tell me your age..

17-10-15, 08:05
25 years old

---------- Post added at 16:35 ---------- Previous post was at 16:34 ----------

Guys I just dont believe what I am feeling is anxiety!!! My left arm feels heavy and like its dead! And my fingers get stiff and I twitch everywhere like my skin is bubbling
I feel like my ears and throat are ticklish !!! I feel the left side of my body is weaker then my right side
and my leg feels like I am dragging it! I dont feel this is anxiety !! Good lord help me I am soo scared I will have to live this way forever!!!

17-10-15, 14:05
25 years old

---------- Post added at 16:35 ---------- Previous post was at 16:34 ----------

Guys I just dont believe what I am feeling is anxiety!!! My left arm feels heavy and like its dead! And my fingers get stiff and I twitch everywhere like my skin is bubbling
I feel like my ears and throat are ticklish !!! I feel the left side of my body is weaker then my right side
and my leg feels like I am dragging it! I dont feel this is anxiety !! Good lord help me I am soo scared I will have to live this way forever!!!

This probably won't help but I am the same, as are many people who suffer from anxiety issues: We all think it is something more than what it is.

I am 100% convinced that I am going to get schizophrenia/bipolar but two doctors, numerous books, anxiety sufferers and information on this forum, ALL tell me I am wrong and to be honest EVERYTHING points to them being right BUT my fear, panic, and thoughts won't let me believe that it is anxiety.

It is a horrendous feeling and really frightening to think something is wrong with you or something bad is going to happen- I can relate.

Best wishes.

17-10-15, 14:33
Hello Maria90.

Firstly, you are not going to die, please believe me.
I understand and relate to everything you are saying.
I have experienced all of that and some through it!

What you are experiencing is the effects of adrenalin.
The adrenalin is caused by the Panic and Anxiety.
Do you feel like you have an Army of Ants crawling around inside of your body, affecting from head to toe?
Well, that's Adrenalin.
It can NOT harm you.
In your case because you are very panicky, is to move about when this happens.
Walking is excellent for this. I would make a habit of doing some walking on a daily basis.
The time the adrenalin hits more is when you are still and relaxing. That's why it happens. You are panicking inside causing the Adrenalin rushes and the body has to get rid of it and that's why you feel the way you do.
Try to do some regular breathing exercise as well and drink plenty of water as Anxiety tends to dehydrate the body.

I don't know your circumstances or Life, but your body/mind is in a state of Anxiety and it will need time to repair.

17-10-15, 21:08

I agree with Carnation. It is excess adrenaline and it has nowhere to go, so it comes out in all these horrible physical symptoms. It cannot harm you, it is just severely unpleasant, and the more you focus on it, the worse you think you're getting. Try thinking back to a time, maybe a couple of weeks ago when you were really thinking the worst - did you survive it? Yes, you did, and you will survive it again. Exercise is fab for getting rid of the excess adrenaline - even if you just take yourself out for a brisk walk x

18-10-15, 08:42
I have just started medication - Amiripytine
I am against medication! But I had to take something at the time to relax me
but do you guys think I can control this naturally? And also with time? Or will it get worse?
thank you all for the helpful information
there really is good human beings in this world!

18-10-15, 08:58
I agree with the above posts. Adrenaline can do some strange things to your body. Exercise always helps. Walking is very good and deep breathing at the same time. Try it, it works for me.

Another thing though is that I noticed you said you don't believe you have anxiety or that it's doing this to your body. I was in exactly the same situation; just could NOT believe that my mind could do all these strange things to my body and that therefore there must be something seriously wrong.
Well, from years of worrying and suffering I've discovered that the mind CAN produce all sorts of symptoms, never life threatening, but nevertheless frightening.

Student Doctors suffer symptoms of diseases they are studying, that's a fact!
So Googling medical conditions just feeds our anxious minds.
Keep your mind occupied with healthy information, get some exercise.
I know it seems like a huge effort for you right now, but it's going to be so worthwhile.