View Full Version : Please help!!

14-10-15, 03:53
Hi there

Can someone please help !?

I have been unwell for two months now and I feel I am getting worse
my symptoms started on the left side of body with like an inside itchy feeling
that moves around the body..its like a ticklish itchy inside feeling very annoying
I had it in the shoulder and left thigh and when one symptom subsides for abit another one pops up but its with me 24/7 i cant get relief.then it feels like my ears are sometimes itchy inside but I can't get to it this comes and goes and sometimes feels like my whole head is itchy! Or ticklish..I had another sensation of pins and needles on my back but that has subsided. I then developed muscle twitches left side of body and got freaked out that they were only on one side and then they moved to the right also and by the time I knew it it was all over!! I am now having what feels like hot burning sensations in back of arms and sometimes random on other parts of body and now it feels like my left hand is stiff in the morning and the reflexes feel slow..I have had MRI's of head and spine all clear and I've seen a neurologist and had an EMG nerve test all negative*
my dr tells me its anxiety disorder...but why dont I believe it! I am convinced I am dying of some deadly illness!!! like ALS or peripheral neuropathy thats slowly killing me
I keep googling my symptoms all day constantly I am googling*
I cant go to work or anything at the moment and just want to stay in bed
I go to sleep throughout the day only for like not even an hour then jump awake and panic and Google my symptoms..... please someone help or if they can give advice!!! I want my life back :(( I can't take it anymore I am worrying all my family and my sister is getting married in 2 weeks in Fiji and I am the maid of honor and I cannot go because of the way I am feeli g
I am going to miss my beautiful sisters wedding and never get this moment again!!! I am crying as I am typing this because how did I get here!!!

14-10-15, 09:06
Hey Maria,

That must be torture - sorry you're going through it. From my own experience I've had most of those symptoms myself. It happens due to your body's stress response - adrenaline and cortisol running around your body as well as too much oxygen. I guess abit like the hairs on the back of your neck going up or the skin crawling when your frightened. Anyway - you can make it better. Some CBT would help - help you get the tools to keep the stress at bay. Maybe worth trying to get a referral locally but in the meantime :

www_getselfhelp.co.uk/healthanxiety.htm - I found this massively useful - takes a little bit of effort, not much though :)

www_anxietycentre.com/anxiety/symptoms/burning-itching-skin-anxiety.shtml - Itching Symptoms

((I can't post links - but just replace the _ after www with a . )

I always find it amazing the range of symptoms that the body can throw at you when you're in a stress state.

Hope you feel better soon.

14-10-15, 09:39
Hi Parabola

thank you so much for replying :)
I guess I kind of did this to myself going on and off birth control pills in a matter of less then 2 months
I think it just through my whole body into shock
its just a really bad experience and would never wish it upon anyone! I will definitely look into CBT!
How did you recover?

14-10-15, 11:16
No worries Maria - it is really horrible, but will get better. You'll find with CBT that how you got there doesn't matter - it does focus on getting you out of it.

There's a CBT technique that I used that essentially when you're not in an anxiety state you work though your fears and think them through - write them down and assign a score as to how much you believe them. When you're in the midst of a anxiety attack or when your fear of health problems hits hard you can then look back on it to confirm to you that its all fine and it anxiety and nothing else - after a little while your brain automatically goes there. I think theres a bit on that self help link that deals with it. You can and will get on top of it if you work through the CBT - its pretty powerful combined with deep breathing and relaxation. Also if you're new to anxiety then there are a few books by Claire Weekes - 'self help for your nerves' is one of them. I found it really useful - very matter of fact about stuff and helps take the power from it all as well as seeing that you're not alone.

I still get the thoughts now occasionally, but they very rarely are more than an annoyance and I let them pass.

15-10-15, 08:15
There are many things when we are getting stressed. At whatever point a possibly unsafe circumstance emerges, stress hormones are discharged into our circulatory system. They cause moment mental and physical change in us, giving included quality and endurance and make us grope pumped and prepared to battle. Stress hormones additionally empower us to flee much speedier than we could regularly oversee.

16-10-15, 11:23
Thank you guys for responding it really does help
it was just so hard to believe at first this is anxiety because it feels soo real the physical synptoms
But I am taking the right steps to get better..going to see a physiologicist and resting alot and also getting out for abit and doing things I enjoy doing... just hard to do when you are constantly feeling these symptoms

---------- Post added at 19:53 ---------- Previous post was at 19:04 ----------

My skin feels hypersensitive! Like all my senses!
feels like I am going to choke sometimes...I doubt anxiety can do that!
Like my ears feel tickly and my throat at times! Like badly

17-10-15, 08:02
Guys I just dont believe what I am feeling is anxiety!!! My left arm feels heavy and like its dead! And my fingers get stiff and I twitch everywhere like my skin is bubbling
I feel like my ears and throat are ticklish !!! I feel the left side of my body is weaker then my right side
and my leg feels like I am dragging it! I dont feel this is anxiety !! Good lord help me I am soo scared I will have to live this way forever!!!