View Full Version : Adrenaline overload?

14-10-15, 09:23
Whenever I go through an anxiety episode, days later I begin to feel physically ill with headaches and a flu-ish feeling with bodily aches and pains.
Is this caused by adrenaline overload?

This has been going on for years now and because of my frequent visits to the Dr. with no obvious illness to be found I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia two years ago, but I noticed that my flare-ups always coincide with a stressful time where I've had anxiety or panic attacks. Could the two be linked?

14-10-15, 23:23
Oh dear, does nobody else suffer with this?

15-10-15, 00:40
My ex suffers from severe depression. She was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. At the time, I had no idea what that was or the cause. Turns out it's an illness commonly associated with mental illness. It would cause her extreme pain, swelling of joints etc. and always coincided with periods of extreme distress or depression. So what you're describing is actually common with Fibro sufferers. As with other physical symptoms, treat the root cause (anxiety) and you treat the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

15-10-15, 05:04
Yeah, I get this when my adrenaline spikes. BUT I can say I never had it before I started Duloxetine which funnily enough interacts with adrenaline and at the dose it does, thats when this started for me.

When they occur I find I have loads of agitation and I can feel the adrenaline. When it's really high I will have the need to tense, clench my fists or even bite. This is then followed by a couple of days of fatigue and a need to sleep a lot.

I have also noticed that when this occurs, I feel existing pain more pronouced. I guess since the neurotransmitter involved has an impact on pain, it is connected but my med is prescribed for pain too so it's a strange reaction to me.

Have you thought of asking on the fibro forums? Whenever I've seen people talking on various sites about fibro they seem to mention anxiety/depression conditions.

You will find people on here talk about how they are washed out after a high anxiety period or panic attack. It's the body replenishing itself I guess.

My big brother used to work loads of hours of overtime for years and everytime he had a holiday he would crash. I know from speaking to various people at my lasy workplace, when we worked long hours on projects we would sometimes feel like we had a cold coming and then it would go.

Thats what happens when the immune system is a bit low but you can take things to help with this. Maybe you could look at vitamins & minerals to help with that?

15-10-15, 07:58
Thanks very much for your replies. It's always been a mystery to me. The doctors can't explain it but I feel so sure that it's all connected to anxiety. Over the years I've got used to it and I've learnt to ride it out but I still get a little niggly feeling that there's something else wrong, until it disappears again.....

I did go for acupuncture treatments once and the Doc said it was caused by adrenaline overload. I suppose years of panic attacks may do that to the system.

The fatigue I'm familiar with and understand, especially after bad anxiety episodes when one feels you've run a marathon.

I belong to a Fibro Forum but I was interested to see whether this was anxiety related or whether the two conditions were linked.

BTW I'm not on any medication any more except for vitamins and magnesium.

15-10-15, 08:19
For a few individuals with fibromyalgia, that adjusted methodology incorporates attempting reciprocal and optional solution in addition to a drug, exercise, and active recuperation.