View Full Version : Smoking after root canal treatment

14-10-15, 12:55
I had a root canal treatment done from a cosmetic dental clinic in Whitby, Appleton Dental, 3 days before. I had it on my first bottom-right molar due to a crack in the tooth. The treatment was quite painless and the tooth seems okay now. Does anyone know if it might be okay to smoke? I have heard that smoking after tooth extraction is risky. What about smoking after root canal treatment?

14-10-15, 12:58
You already know that smoking is not good for you so I'll just leave it at that.

Positive thoughts

14-10-15, 14:16
As a previous smoker (near 2 years quit after smoking for 20) who also had dental problems, I have had these same worries. I will say that the two procedures are completely different. The reason they say no smoking after an extraction is due to a condition called dry socket - a very painful (but treatable) condition where the blood clot from the extraction comes out of the socket. However, this does not have as much to do with the smoking as it does the sucking action in general. They say not to drink out of a straw either and this is for the same reason.

Since a root canal leaves the tooth in place with a sealer filling the hole for where they drilled, you should be fine as it is not the same worry. As a former smoker, I know that you are going to smoke so my advice is to be on the safe side maybe be more aware of how hard you are drawing on the cigarette for a few days.

On a side note, I know it is hard to quit..trust me I do as it took me about 10 years to actually finally succeed, but it is true that it makes you feel so much better and absolutely helps anxiety symptoms.


15-10-15, 04:45
Smoking is BAD!! Don't smoke when you know how bad it is for you! Give your lungs a break:yesyes::yesyes: