View Full Version : Me and my Health Anxiety Journey

14-10-15, 14:33
Ok I am new here and looking to hopefully meet some new friends and try and be a good support.
I am Heather and I am 29 years old and live in Scotland.
I am a mother to 3 boys and work full time.
I have suffered with Health Anxiety for the last 3-5 years. While I was pregnant with my second son 5 years ago I developed a condition called placenta previa its where the placenta is low lying and was slightly coming away, so there was many trips to the hospital due to bleeding and scares that my son would have to be born early I was then hospitalised in the July and kept in there until he was born in the September by c section then all was fine up until 6 months later when I found out I was pregnant again I understood the risks that I hadn't given my body long to heal etc but everything with this pregnancy went well up until I went over due. Due to me going over due the drs advised I have another c section which in all honesty I had been telling the drs that's what I wanted as I was well aware of all the risks about my body not having long to heal from last time. Well the day before my csection I thought I had gone into labour so went into the hospital I was given a scan which showed everything with baby was fine however his heart rate was a little fast so they monitored it and they said I wasn't in labour and that baby was just active to go home and relax and go back in the next day for my section which I did. So the next morning came and I went to have my baby I was awake lying in theatre feeling excited while the dr started then everything stopped I asked what was happening and was told everything was fine until I heard the surgeon say get a camera we need to capture this ive never seen this before, well did I not start to worry and question what was happening the midwife then explained to the surgeon that I was afraid and he came and said can I have your permission to take photos I have no idea how you and your son are still alive!!!! your uterus has already ruptured. I didn't quite understand this all only took about 5 mins then my baby was here and I was happy that he was here. Afterwards in recovery I asked the midwives what had happened and its after that I learned everything that happened I was advised to have no more children. I believe that this is where my health anxiety has all steamed from as now every slightest illness, cold or discomfort and I am in a panic about being seriously ill or dying. Over the last year however I have been fine off medication for about 8 months until 7 weeks ago when I came down with a sinus infection type flu thing that hasn't shifted even after 2 lots of antibiotics and a course of steroids and although I am slightly better not back to 100% me it caused all my anxiety and panic attacks to come back. I have a drs appointment tomorrow to discuss going back on my medication and getting help with this again. Its my own fault as I felt better and decided to come off the medication myself. Well this is my story and the restart of my road to being me again. sorry it was so long.

14-10-15, 14:40
Hiya heatherd1986 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

14-10-15, 14:41
Thank you very much.
This site will take a little getting used to.

Heather xx

14-10-15, 22:17
Hi Heatherd!

Don't beat yourself up. You are doing the right thing getting back on the medication and seeking help. Good for you!

I've found everyone on here to be super nice and supportive. I'm really glad I found my way to this forum, and I'm sure you will be, too!

Take care! :)