View Full Version : Colon cancer fear TMI

14-10-15, 19:07
So my scare from stomach cancer grew into colon cancer,

First off do not google as many others say, I unfortunately did and found stories about people with this disease especially at young ages and that threw me into a fit!

For the past few years ive had bleeding in my stools. Ive had doctors tell me they are just hemorrhoids and nothing more. Well they havent let up whatsoever at all, or the bleeding will go away for some time but always come back.

I also have very thin stools consistently and am recently experiencing constipation.

Ive had several tests done except the scope procedures, endoscopy, colonoscopy etc. I know this is rare but Im freaked out about this now.So far ive only been diagnosed with h pylori which i am now on antibiotics for.

ive lost lots of weight in the last year almost 70 pounds or close to 5 stone, although i was very big to begin with. Im scared to die young from something like this.

I dont have an appointment til next week possibly and Im scared of what might they might find.

14-10-15, 19:22
Can I ask you something - do you drink alcohol a lot?

14-10-15, 19:24
I did, i stopped recently though for about 3 months

14-10-15, 19:30
I ask, cos since I stopped drinking loads, the bleeding has subsided. Used to be clots and loads of blood.

14-10-15, 23:24
I just read some stories about people my age that have had similar symptoms and have colon cancer!!!

I am so freaking scared, i might just run off to the ER tonight as I cant take this anymore.

My wife is scared too I can tell but at the same time she thinks its nothing. I am so scared right now

15-10-15, 05:18
Stop reading articles. It is only worse. Is it bright red blood? Is it mixed in with your stool? You need to trust your Dr. I've had the same thing for years and it is hemmeroids. Do you get constipated often? I know that that can cause more bleeding. Take some stool softener a and I bet it goes away in a week or two. Take a deep breath, I'm sure you are fine!

15-10-15, 15:07
Its bright red, only shows up on the paper as small spots here and there.

Im really scared though, those articles really got to me.

Dealing with a huge bout of anxiety, my OCD and sobering up has gotten me very very worried on a daily basis.

15-10-15, 15:16
If it is bright red, and mostly on the tpaper it is hemorrhoids. Try taking a stool softener for a while. That cleared it up completely for me. There are a lot of articles that say that if it is bright red, doctors don't even worry about it. They can do a rectal exam in 30 seconds and usually find the hemorrhoid. Try the stool softeners and drink lots of water. RELAX. You are fine.

15-10-15, 16:14
You are probably right, thank you,

I still cant get this out of my mind. After I eat i feel really nauseated all the time. Could be the antibiotics though, they have me on a treatment for h pylori. The narrow stools have got me going too, i hate having that symptom. Mostly i was sure it was roids but as soon as the narrow stools started, its got me freaked out

17-10-15, 17:53
How are you doing now?

I have narrow stools when I'm constipated or just sometimes in general because I suffer from IBS/IBD.

It could also be that the h pylori is causing the bleeding/spotting as sometimes it can irritate the bowel. It's most likely haemorrhoids tho, as it's quite common, especially if you're constipated. The doc would be able to tell you whether it was really quickly.

If it's only on the TP though, it's VERY likely to just be haemorrhoids. I have the same fears on and off because I have a lot of frustrating symptoms (and have also had blood at some points) so I know what you're going through. Hope you feel better soon!

17-10-15, 20:52
Mine is not on the paper - it literally pours out and the docs all say it is piles.
Alcohol doesn't help, and being overweight. x