View Full Version : choosing the best medication for health anxiey

15-10-15, 05:50
As many of u are aware I suffer with severe anxiety. It has got very bad recently and wandered what medication people have tryed.i don't want to go down the anti depressant route I'f I can but just get a relaxed or a low dose of medication anyone share there experiences of medication they have had x

15-10-15, 08:10
I've been on lots of meds in the past 20 years for anxiety and depression. I found they helped to take the edge off the panic but didn't solve the problem. So I weaned myself off them and now just use Rescue Remedy, vitamins and Magnesium. I avoid caffeine and try to keep in a routine that helps me feel secure and relaxed. And I just try to avoid situations that will cause me anxiety. (Not always easy because I can get anxious about feeding the dog...:wacko:)

16-10-15, 20:14
Lol thanks Becky 74 views noone serously ???

16-10-15, 20:17
I didn't comment cause I dont medicate hun, I've used cbt twice and I use kalms to help take edge off a bit. I'm frightened of the side effects of medication.

16-10-15, 21:20
I have tried the anti anxiety anti depressants like mitrazapine but they gave me severe side effects ( constant crippling heartburn and huge weight gain).

The best one is diazepam but of course you can't take that because it is soooo addictive but whenever i have had a short course of a few days my anxiety is massively better:blush:

There are loads of meds but they all come with side effects and you just have to weigh up the pro's and con's and quality of life issue. Worth trying some though if you can.

16-10-15, 21:26
I take a low dose (25mg) of Sertraline / Zoloft.

I would prefer not to have to take anything, I mean, who really knows the side effects when messing with brain chemistry BUT... it has been a massive help in my life. From crippling anxiety to being able to function and be happy.

Physical side effects aren't too bad, but they are there. I would say the main effects I have are lower libido, maybe a little quicker to anger and the occasional zombie like "who cares" state. To be honest though I don't remember if I was like any of that before I started taking it, all I know is it gave me my life back and I'm on a minimal dose.

Good luck finding what's right for you, whether it be herbal, chemical, therapy or just good old fashioned will power!

patricia taylor
16-10-15, 22:11
hi there, i have been on low dose of lorazepam, but as the atacks are becoming more complicated the doctor is sending me to have psycho therapy, see what that does, perhaps being actively working towards "freedom" might help:yesyes:

17-10-15, 02:05
I just got on meds, I have never been on meds before.
Prozac, Vistaril, and Trazodone. I don't like the trazodone, it gave me bad night mares and I actually woke up last night and about had a anxiety attack. I know this is only my second day on the other two, but today I felt good. I was not fixated on my health, I am happy, and my muscles didn't feel all tense.

17-10-15, 02:34
As many of u are aware I suffer with severe anxiety. It has got very bad recently and wandered what medication people have tryed.i don't want to go down the anti depressant route I'f I can but just get a relaxed or a low dose of medication anyone share there experiences of medication they have had x

I'm currently on 50mg Zoloft and find it good but the start up side effects were bad.
I was on Lexapro (Cipralex) in the past and found it as good as Zoloft but with virtually no side effects.
Unfortunatley everyone is different so you just have to try till you find the one that works for you.
I'd give Lexapro a go if I was you.
I had to go to Zoloft because I had a heart attack and it's supposed to be better after an attack.
I wasn't on meds when it happened so don't worry that they cause heart probs.

17-10-15, 21:59
please don't take medications yet. See if you can do things in your diet first. I am telling you i have anxiety but it has been relieved sooo much by changing the way I eat. if you take pharmaceuticals it changes your whole body/brain make up and you don't want to have to take them forever. Cut out caffeine for sure. Also, i had terrible anxiety and it turned out I had parasites. if you have pets or kids it is likely and they cause mad anxiety. Renew life has a cleanse you can get and it's pretty gentle. Also i see that you are in Canada so you can get a vitamin from Sobeys/lawblaws called B Calm by SISU. There is a book on eating for anxiety.


18-10-15, 21:14
Thanks for all your comments x

19-10-15, 03:23
I take Lexapro and the difference it has made is incredible.