View Full Version : Paranoid about pregnancy D:

15-10-15, 07:15
I always have the juicy sex worries on here, lol.
So about 2 months ago I fooled around with an old friend of mine. Without being too explicit, we never had any direct genital to genital contact, so the likelihood of any semen actually going into my uterus is pretty unlikely.
But... my last period was very light, and I'm overdue for my next one. I'm also adjusting to being off of hormonal birth control, and sometimes that can mess with a girl's cycle. The other thing that worries me is that I'm getting a bit of a tummy. My friend even pointed it out to me, today.
"Oh look! You've got a little bit of a tummy going. How cute. It looks like you're gaining some healthy weight..."
I have been making an effort to eat more, since I've always been underweight, but I really don't like the timing of this whole thing :/
I've taken two pregnancy test, both negative. I know that the likelihood of a girl getting pregnant without the head of a penis being on her vagina at any point is astronomically low, but can it still happen? Am I being WAY too paranoid?
What do you guys think?