View Full Version : New dark mole on face

15-10-15, 12:05
Hi everyone

I've not been on here for a while but this seemed the right place to come to today

A few days ago I had a spot on my face which I popped and I noticed a dark spot next to it. At first I thought it was pen and tried to wash it off but realised it's a mole.

I have a few moles and an very freckley and this one looks different

It's very dark brown (almost black) and from up close it doesn't have a regular border. Also I'm 31 so it's not normal to get new moles is it?!

My partner agreed he'd never noticed it before.

So this morning I went to the GP hoping she would tell me it's normal and not to worry but instead she has referred me to a skin clinic :(

I'm so so scared it's melanoma. It's only 2mm across but still could have spread!! I even asked her if she thought it was and she said she couldn't tell but the skin clinic would have better instruments to look at it.

I know if it was normal she wouldn't have referred me

Please help someone I'm so scared

15-10-15, 12:23
Please don't look at it that way, your doctors right to refer if they believe they haven't got the skills / instruments to make an accurate assessment.
I'm referred to ent, not for worst case scenario but because they are the experts.
I've also been referred to colocospy clinic in past, once again as a precaution after an abnormal smear.
Doctors can't be specialists in everything, it's not possible, that's why we have clinics specialising in different areas.

15-10-15, 12:56
Thank you tracey

I am trying really hard to remain calm and be logical but it's not easy.
I can't seem to stay off google either which isn't helping

16-10-15, 07:30
I didn't sleep last night. I can't stop worrying about this mole

Can anyone help?!

16-10-15, 07:51
Have a look at this thread xxx

19-10-15, 18:21
Bit of an update...sort of!

I've been going back through photos and I've found one from a year ago and 2 years ago showing the mole on my face and it looks exactly the same so in geelig a bit better about that one but of course now I've become mole obsessed and have checked my entire body :(

I have weird moles all over but there are 3 which worry me the most.

One at the bottom of my neck which is all one colour but big and not a perfect circle

One in my back which is a brown ring with no middle

One at the top of my leg under my bum which is smaller than the other two but dark brown (looks black in some light) and a pointy oval.

They all scare me :(

I've phoned the clinic today that gp referred me to and asked about getting these new ones checked. Apparently they can do 2 extra ones so I have to choose which two of the three worry me most or go back to GP for another referral.

I'm really panicking now. I can't see this worry ever ending

19-10-15, 18:54
I can relate!
I found a patch of pigment on my shin this summer that I hadn't noticed before. I was sick with fear for days. After searching through photos I saw it was there in exactly the same form on a photo from TEN YEARS AGO!!! (Hooray for digital cameras and being able to zoom right in) What are we like.

You say you can't se this worry ever ending. I know what you mean. One thing that sometimes helps is trying to remember the last thing that made me worry (health-wise). I almost never can. So I think to myself, well that didn't come to anything did it! All that worry for nothing.

19-10-15, 20:14
Thanks Iblametheparents that does help. The last thing for me was breast cancer but after a scan I was fine again. When I was pregnant I had a headache for 6 weeks and was convinced I was dying of a brain tumour

My logical side says if it hadn't been for the one on my face (which I now realise I've had for years and hasn't changed) then I wouldn't have ever started looking for more and finding them.

They've probably been there for years and I've been none the wiser!

19-10-15, 21:43
Very probably.

I've found a tiny rough patch on my face. I don't think it was there before but to be honest, I've no idea. I think it's solar keratosis - not particularly worrisome. But OF COURSE the melanoma spectre is looming there, like a bat in my hair. Of all cancers, melanoma is the one that truly makes my knees wobble, so much that I won't even read about it. But of course, as you know, the minute you start worry about it you see it everywhere, on magazine covers, in the news, on posters at the swimming pool...

So I'm going to drag my sorry apologetic arse to the GP next week, and feel awful for making a fuss.

When's your appointment?

19-10-15, 22:51
I'm not sure yet they said it's in the post. I'm feeling ok tonight, probably due to the wine ;)