View Full Version : Ear ache without infection

15-10-15, 16:34
So I've had an ear ache for the past week. It's been off and on and more like a dull ache then a sharp pain, plus dizziness/ off balance and nausea.

I went to the doctor and he checked my ears and said they look pristine - no infection, no fluid, no wax build up - nothing. Also no blocked nose or anything.

Of course I typed into Google ear ache without infection and an article with the title came up, "I Thought I Had an Ear Infection — Turns Out It Was MS." MS is one of my biggest health anxiety fears and now I just cannot calm down.

I also have many other symptoms of MS that I have posted in another thread. Health anxiety truly is a beast :weep:

15-10-15, 17:59
Hi there,

It sounds like you might have Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, which is when your inner ears get blocked (on the other side of your ear drum). I've got it at the moment and it's been causing exact same symptoms as you've described along with a swollen gland. The other week it was causing really bad ear pain and I had a headache all on one side of my head and across my sinus. Now it is not really painful but causing pressure in my head and making me feel not with it and really tired.

I went to the doctor the other day and he said that there's no quick fix and you just have to wait it out (easier said than done)! Nasal decongestant sprays might help, I was recommended Otrivine (not sure what it would be called in other countries) by the doctor. It's been making my dizziness and nausea worse but it helps clear out the mucus.

For the ear pain try putting a warm flannel against the side that's hurting.

I haven't seen the other post you put in the forum about MS but if it is something you are genuinely concerned about then it might be worth telling the doctor straight out so they can look into it.

I know it's really difficult, especially with anxiety and panic attacks because it's so easy to confuse the symptoms of a real illness with the physical symptoms of anxiety. Just try not to google too much and try and take your mind off it and relax!

I hope this has been of some help/comfort? Just remember that you're not alone!

---------- Post added at 16:59 ---------- Previous post was at 16:52 ----------

Obviously don't go by my word on what you have, just sounds very similar!

15-10-15, 20:06
There are alot of viral ear infections around at moment which means that your ears look perfectly okay to a Dr but the virus is causing problems to the nerves of the inner ear. My friend has been suffering for 6 weeks. She spent first 2 weeks bedbound with severe vertigo then she improved and is out and about but still suffering from dizziness in the mornings. Some people get hit really hard with it like my friend but others aren't so badly affected.

IF you don't improve do go back to Dr as even having a dodgy jaw joint can give you all the symptoms you mention!