View Full Version : Eye vision anxiety

15-10-15, 16:56

This is my first post. I started noticing that my eye vision up close got blurry and felt like it came on all of sudden. I now wear readers glasses but after awhile I start seeing blurry again and I have to close my eyes and it gets better again. I was diagnosed with severe eye allergies, dry eyes, astigmatism and symptoms of the RK surgery I had 20 years ago. the Opthamologist looked in my eyes with several lenses and lights and told me everything looked fine and my eyes were healthy.

She gave me three drops but the problem persist and I see her again soon but my anxiety is getting the best of me. I cant stop thinking I will go blind and that maybe she missed something. Im on the computer all the time but I have to take many breaks and Im afraid of losing my job.

I've had suicidal thoughts lately because I just cant stop worrying that I have something more serious. I take Xanax and that only helps for a bit. I'm just scared and feel alone. No one in my family understands and tells me to just get over it. I wish it was that easy. Sorry for the long rambling

15-10-15, 17:14
Dry eyes do make your vision blurry you need to use the drops at least 3 times a day using a gel at night time something like lacrilube. Changing focus from near to far does cause blurriness at first as the muscles in your eye cause the lens to change shape. Lastly anyone who works on computers should use the 20\20\20 rule , look 20m into the distance for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. Worked in optics for 17 years hope this helps a little

15-10-15, 18:14
Thank you, I appreciate the suggestions.

18-10-15, 12:17
Hi uawildcat,

I have all the symptoms you do and pretty much the same diagnoses. I know how it feels to have those fears. I have been to eye docs too who have told me my eyes are fine, but have thought they have missed something. My problems came on all of a sudden and it's really scared me. I take omega 3 capsules for vision. Also have you tried warm compresses for your dry eyes? They've really helped me.