View Full Version : The neck lump blues.

15-10-15, 18:50
So, this is my first time around these parts. I've had health anxiety for a while, but lately, it's been out of control. I'd appreciate some insight and encouragement just to put my mind at ease.

Before I explain the issue, I've been without health insurance for a while. I recently got it back thanks to my new job and plan on going to a doctor ASAP. Anyway. About four to six months ago, I felt a lump in my neck. It's on the left side, about halfway down. It can't be felt unless I press my fingers into my neck. It's hard, immovable, and feels to be about 2cm in size. It feels smooth and moves back toward the back of my neck when I turn my head away. It doesn't hurt.

Now, I have no other symptoms of the C word that I know of and as far as I can tell, it isn't growing. It's stayed right around the same size since I first noticed it.

So, I guess I'm here to ask if anybody has any similar experiences. It's freaking me out, obviously.

15-10-15, 19:02
I had head and neck cancer. I had swollen nodes on the left side of my neck. Hard, immovable and they grew. I didn't have to poke and prod. Cancer in an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop when it starts.

Positive thoughts

15-10-15, 19:16
I have nodules on my thyroid... My doctor can feel them but I cant. I haven't really tried to feel them because it freaks me out. But I also have a lump in my neck that a discovered a few years ago in my throat area that is kinda right where my jaw ends and my neck begins but it's in the middle to the right of my throat. It's like pea sized and doesn't hurt. When I had my yearly thyroid ultrasound last year I asked her to go over that lump as well. When my doctor reviewed it he said that it was a lymph node and was nothing to worry about. Is it just me or would you agree that a swollen lymph node that you can feel very easily for YEARS that doesn't go away is not normal? They don't seem to be worried about it so I try not to either. Sometimes it really scares me though.

It could be a swollen lymph node that will go away or possibly your thyroid... I'm no doc just my opinion. Don't stress it, as hard as it is, just get it checked as soon as you're able :)

15-10-15, 19:17
I've got a benign lymph node in my neck. It's more prominent when I turn my head to the opposite side. Mines on right side between ear and shoulder. Xxx

15-10-15, 19:28
Thanks for the kind words so far, guys. It means a lot.

I'm 27, for what it's worth. I guess the part that is getting to me is that it's hard and immobile, which I've never known a lymph node to present itself as. Of course, I'm not doctor.

But seriously. Thanks for the replies so far. They've helped a bit. :)

15-10-15, 20:01
Mines hard and immovable, it's been checked by ent, funnily enough, the ent consultant had one too xxx

19-10-15, 16:20
I am in the same boat right now, about to go to my doc for it. I found it about 3 week sago. REALLY Hard, pebble like, but very small, the size of a pea. moves around but the hard part is really freaking me out. Its not like that on the other side :( I of course go right to CANCER! Scares me so badly.