View Full Version : Costochondritis or cancer?

16-10-15, 01:28

I'm a 26 year old male, and I've always been arching/stretching my chest outwards until I heard a "pop", for years. Last year in December I did that, and I experienced mad pain in my sternum. Around the time I also replaced my mattress to a harder one, so it could be related. Anyway, since then I've been living with dull pain (only in certain positions) in my sternum. I need to add that I sit a whole lot behind my PC.

Now, 10 months later it's really nagging me, and worrying me that it might be some kind of cancer, slow progressing obviously, but cancer nonetheless. I wake up with sore sternum almost every day. I looked into costochondritis, and the symptomatology seems to fit, but I'm still very worried. I decided I'll visit the doctor in the near future. I also need to add that around 2 years ago I've had my chest X-rayed for an unrelated condition, and nothing was seen.

Please, what's your take on this? Is it normal for costochondritis to linger around for so long? It's been months now. Is there a possibility it's cancer, or that it's been cancer all along, ever since last December? I'll be grateful for any kinds of replies.

16-10-15, 17:31
Hey there,

Well, nobody here can tell you for sure what it is, and if it's bothering you, you should go to the doctor for an evaluation.

Anyway, I have something kind of similar. If I squeeze my ribs a bit, I can get a popping sensation in the sternum. I also have intermittent aching under my ribs, and have done for about 18 months now. I have no idea what it is, but it's become "normal" to me now. These things can happen I guess!

17-10-15, 02:14
Just go get it checked out. I had costochondritis and it lasted for about 4 months, tell you truth if I press on that area hard enough it is still a bit tender. I was working out and I felt something in my chest that hurt, I thought I pulled something. Well about a month later I noticed a lump, and yep I freaked out!! I thought for sure it was breast cancer and I was going to die! I finally went to the doctor, she felt around on it and gave me the good news "Well it's not a tumor" LOL! just an inflammation of the cartilage, she gave me a steroid and sent me on my way. It can take forever because you are always moving that area, don't worry about it's probable nothing.

19-10-15, 23:52
Thanks for replies. I'll go get checked out for some peace of mind.

20-10-15, 00:42
Costochondritis or cancer?

I'm thinking definitely not cancer after ten months.

Positive thoughts

20-10-15, 11:04
A sufferer of costochondritis once you pop it out once, its prone to pop many times again. The pain I have when I have it, is mainly in the last 2 ribs, the pain can be sharp, it can be dull, I usually go to my chiro to get my ribs "put" back in. Its not actually your ribs that are out though, it is the cartilage. Go to a chiropractor, they will be able to tell you within minutes if it is costochondritis. Once I am treated (usually only have to see my chiro once), I have a dull ache for a week or two but then its gone. I have been crippled over in pain with this but have also only had a slight dull ache. :) Go see a chiro :)

I forgot to mention..... Yes, it can hurt for such a long time - its untreated, it needs to be manipulated back into place.

20-10-15, 18:43
A heating pad helped me out a lot.