View Full Version : Do you worry about others too?

16-10-15, 03:40
I worry about my own health issues, and well I do have them-chronic pancresatitis and my dad died of pancreas cancer--so I go through waves of major anxiety and depression. Im always fearful of some sort of cancer. I worry about others too though. My brother is complaining of severe hip pain and its getting worse. A woman who worked at my gym had the same issue and it was metastasized cancer so now Im paranoid that its something serious with him now. I also may have lupus and when I get pains in my hips, shoulder etc, I fear I have cancer all over my body.

How do I stop the madness? Medication I suppose?

16-10-15, 15:31
Oh yes! Never use but have over the past year, if my mum is ill I think its something serious, my dad has an ache I think its cancer!

16-10-15, 16:35
It gets much worse when you have children of your own!! Kids are always ill so for a health anxiety parent it torture.

16-10-15, 22:25
Oh yes, I have a 3.5 yr old and she's been hospitalized twice, once where they wanted to rule out leukemia. I was a mess. My dad had pancreas cancer and it started my HA again. I was dx with chronic pancreatitis shortly after! THen this yr I had knee pain and when I had an MRI the dr said it was a TUMOR. Well, it wasnt it ended up being a bone chip with gunk around it. No wonder Im such a mess with cancer-its draining though.

17-10-15, 00:05
Yeah I am terrified of anything being wrong with my kids and the slightest sniffle makes me feel ill with worry x

19-10-15, 03:29
Oh yes. I've had many sleepless, anxiety ridden nights scared to death that my child's headache was a brain tumor or another's viral fever was cancer. Terrible.