14-02-07, 13:31
Hello there. Wondered if anybody could just ive me a sounding board before I allow my latest worry to totally destroy me.

I started a fab new job three months ago. Completed my probationary period on Friday and am on holiday all of this week.

My problem ......... On Friday I was worried about some advise I had given at work and like a fool I dropped my guard and allowed to of my colleagues to see the side of me that worries.

I have now convinced myself that they are discussing me while on holiday this week and may even have gone to my manager to confirm how I worry.

I text one of these colleagues today a jovial message and she has not responded to my text.............this is fuelling my anxieties even further and I am now convincing myself even more the reason she has not replied is because she has been discussing me and has spoken to my manager.

The roll on from this thought process is that when I rturn to work on Monday my manager is going to call me in and either demote me or start a performance managing process.

Grrrrrrrrr why do I have to be such a bloody open book sometimes?


14-02-07, 13:40
Hi Caroline,

I think your being a wee bit paranoid here hun as we all do when we tell people our fears. You have opened up to this person about how you worry and are now automatically thinking she has told your manager. Even if she has which I doubt so what eh we all worry its a fact of life. Please don't torment yourself about this the rest of the week hun. Let us know how you get on when you go back on Monday I bet it won't even be mentioned and you'll have been worrying for nothing cos that's usually what happens to me. Thinking of you. xxx

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

14-02-07, 13:44
Many thanks for your reply. I know you are absolutely right. Times a many I have spent as huge amount of time intensly worrying about something that never comes to fruition or indeed never has the negative outcome that I have anticipated.



14-02-07, 13:47
Hi Caroline

Im sure that there is nothing at all to worry about hun, its just when our minds cope with anxiety we tend to look too deeply and analyse things too much. Everybody worries, even those without anxiety so they wouldnt assume that you had bigger worries they don't know about would they?

Try and take your mind off the situation and try and enjoy your holiday hun

Luv Pinky

Yesterdays history, Tommorows a mystery, today is a gift, thats why its called the present.

14-02-07, 13:49
Thanks Weepinky. My husband says I analyse far too much and spend too much time "beating myself up". Relax - I wish I could but it's hard isn't it?


14-02-07, 14:14
Yeah, I've done the same sort of thing. Even when I'm out at a restaraunt or in some public place, I wonder if people know and are secretly judging me or thinking bad thoughts about me. Some times even when I see someone walking down the road I imagine they look at me oddly. I told a Doctor about my panic disorder, he's a friend of the family but I still felt like he was judging me and finding me odd, or whatever.

Trusting someone doesn't make you a fool and I don't think you really have anything to worry about. You aren't going to be demoted or get in trouble for worrying a lot, heck, if they did that most every person in any high stress job would get demoted down to the bottom.

Perhaps your colleague hasn't gotten your message yet or is busy, perhaps she simply couldn't think of anything to say. Don't let it get to you too much, I'm sure things are going to be fine.

By the way, not meaning to change the subject, but don't you just love the way Manmoor talks? Makes me think of little leprechauns and such. The wee folk and all that, you know? I've got to see Ireland some day. :D

Try to take it easy, things will be just fine at work and you haven't done anything wrong or stupid. God bless you


14-02-07, 14:17
HI Caroline - try not to worry - People will ALWAYS talk behind others backs - good or bad - its part of human nature - you just need to hold your head high and be PROUD to be who you are - lovely decent caring human being - and Pooh to all those that may or may not be talking about you!!!
Love wenjoy x