View Full Version : Swollen glands

16-10-15, 09:02
Hi! I have posted a while ago when I found two swollen glands under my jaw. One is very small, smaller than pea size, the one on the other side more like a bean size. It's around three months after i first found them and they are still there, still the same size. I have seen a nurse and my gp - both said that they are nothing to worry about and should go away in 4 to 6 weeks. It has been more than 6 weeks though and they aren't even smaller. The bigger one is soft and moveable now and it wasn't when I first found it. I know that you guys aren't doctors but I'm just looking for advice - do you think I should make another appointment? I dont have any other symptoms, no night sweats or weight loss. Can they just stay that size for no apparent reason?

16-10-15, 16:36
If you have an ongoing say dental infection low grade that could keep them swollen. If you have had a severe infection they can stay swollen for years. This happened to me after having chickenpox as an adult although they did disappear after 10 years!
Are they painful at all?

16-10-15, 17:04
I do have a few dental problems, nothing major but i do have a lump on my gums from an infected tooth. And i had a bad sinus infection back in May that kept coming back and had 3 rounds of antibiotics to get rid of it.
They don't usually hurt but a few days ago the bigger one was a bit sore which is why I started getting anxious about them again. But then again, it might have been sore from poking it
Thanks for your response!