View Full Version : Stitch like pain under right rib. ibs?

16-10-15, 11:43
Hi all, i haven't been on here for ages, been feeling loads better anxiety wise.

Anyway, for a while i get a pain under my right rib almost like a stich every now & then, doesn't panic me loads but i would be lying if i said it didn't worry me. I was wondering if anyone else got similar? I do have ibs & am having a flare up at the min so was thinking it maybe connected. I also get heartburn quite bad & usually take omeprazole (sp) but haven't taken them for a few weeks.

Any input would be appreciated

Chrissie xx

16-10-15, 18:09

16-10-15, 18:25
Hey Chrissie :) I recently started getting pains all over the right side of my body, Including under my ribs, I was worried that It's my appendix so I took a trip to the doctors and he said It's just IBS, so I'm guessing your problem Is just down to IBS, try not to worry too much :) you'll just make yourself feel worse xxx

16-10-15, 20:24
Yep, I get intermittent pains under my right rib. Sometimes it feels like it's on the rib, sometimes it stretches a little down the middle of the stomach. I think it's IBS or like an abdominal muscle thing.

17-10-15, 08:19
Thank you both, definitely made me feel better xx

17-10-15, 10:48
I get this sometimes, I also get it on the left. Exactly like you described, a stitch type pain... Pretty sure it's related to gas in there lol.