View Full Version : Fear of tonsil/throat cancer taking over my life

16-10-15, 13:28
Hi everyone,

This is my first post here because health anxiety is very new to my life.

For the past three weeks I have been having problems with my throat, neck and ears, mostly on the right side. I have one hugely swollen tonsil and one invisible one, intermittent earache (mostly on one side), and swollen glands in neck (below jawline on right side and below ear on left, with some pain in armpit on right side but not severe and only every few hours). I've seen four doctors in the past two weeks, one dentist and have another appointment to see a different dentist this afternoon. All drs have said it is a viral infection although as there was some pus I have been prescribed three courses of antibiotics (most recently by a clinician I saw today). I also feel very fatigued and achey, and have had headaches and some pain in eyes/blurry vision. I went to the optician who said I needed glasses, got blood tests which ruled out glandilar fever. I am having episodes of hysterical anxiety convinced that I have tonsil cancer. I am 21 years old and started smoking 2 years ago (10-20 a day but recently cut down to 2/3) after my father committed suicide. I never really grieved his death and I know this anxiety has something to do with that - fear of terrible unexpected things gappebeubg, fear of being out of control. It's driving me, my boyfriend and my mum crazy and I don't know what to do. I cannot stop googling and everything I read about one swollen tomsil = cancer cancer cancer. I have never had health anxiety before, in fact I hadn't been to see a Dr in four years despite having frequent infections. I just never worried.. I did however have physical and mental health problems as a teenager - anorexia for 6 years requiring multiple inpatient treatments and emergency hospitalisation with nasogastric feeding. This anxiety is taking over my life, and i feel helpless. No amount of reassurance from drs or loved ones is enough.

16-10-15, 14:21
I'm sorry you're in a bad way. Unfortunately, as you said, no amount of reassurance can help. If 5 (soon to be 6) medical professionals cannot reassure you, strangers on an internet forum don't stand a chance.

It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) that having the fear you have and continuing to smoke is like having a fear of fire and playing with matches. As you stated, the experience of losing your father in the manner stated certainly has had an impact on you and could very well be an underlying reason for your recent anxiety spiral.

Hope you feel better soon!

Positive thoughts