View Full Version : Feeling Yuk :(

16-10-15, 14:42
So I've been doing ok since I've been on the Effexor with my anxiety etc but I have found it's given me bad acid reflux and constipation.

This last week I've been having a ache like pain in the top left part of my stomach just slightly higher than my belly button.

It's not a new pain as such I've had it before and probably been getting it for a few years but it tends to go away for months at a time then reoccurs but I've always thought it tends to coincide with my acid reflux/ibs so I've put it down to that.

I've taken some omeprazole this morning as I had some left over from when it was prescribed a few months ago for reflux and I've had it prescribed on and off over the years.

In addition to that about a week ago I started taking some acidophilus in the hope it might help the constipation the effexor had caused.

Today my stomach felt awful this morning, to be honest I thought I needed to go to the toilet and so I asked to leave work as I felt embarrassed having to go in work (we only have one toilet) which doesn't flush too well!!

Anyway I came home, had severe constipation but finally managed to go.

About 10 minutes later I needed to go again and literally had the worst diarrhoea which I've had a further few times since. I generally feel a bit washed out and really nauseous so thinking I might have a bit of a bug.

I have had IBS for years so stomach issues are by no means a new thing for me and I don't have the achey pain in the left of my belly anymore but I suppose because I'm feeling a bit under the weather I'm starting the worry cycle!

I know IBS can cause a variety of symptoms and I also concede it might me a combination of me starting the acidophilus and it being a bit strong to start with but I'm just wondering does anyone else with IBS get upper left pain/aching with it. I keep thinking if it was anything I wouldn't have had it on and off for years and I'm not having any other worrying symptoms like weight loss/bleeding etc which is why I've always attributed it to Acid Reflux.

I am speaking to the GP next week as she wants to review the Effexor and I am going to mention they are giving me reflux/constipation but just wondered if anyone else has had this.