View Full Version : Is anxiety forever

16-10-15, 17:56
Like you just sort of have to accept you are an anxious person and certain tings will trigger it? I think I spend s much time trying to cure it and wonder if thats not possible that i just need to learn how to accept it and deal with it? I set myself up for disappointment each time it comes back i am so upset with myself.

16-10-15, 18:16
Hmmm, unfortunately it is a chronic condition, eg. long term. However it can be managed through a combination of either medication or therapy or self learning and the impact it has on your life can be significantly reduced.

Panic attacks can be cured absolutely by CBT techniques.

My panic attacks are a distant memory, my anxiety is massively reduced but is still there in the background and there are still periods when it temporarily re-occurs.

16-10-15, 18:29
Any advice on where to find some good techniques? I think that is the mistake i get it manged and then get sloppy with it and thinks its gone. Boom all my tecniques are out the window.

16-10-15, 19:08
I take medication which keeps me on an even keel and allows me to do the following to help:

Exercise at the Gym and Country Walking
Reading books (engaging novels)
Gardening especially growing veg on my allotment
Cooking nice food from a recipe
Getting more sleep (8 hrs+ it has taken a long time to calm down enough to get good sleep!)
I've read all the self help material from http://cbt4panic.org

Stop googling for answers
Stop taking any vitamins / supplements or researching any deficiency eg. magnesium etc. (except camomile tea - really calming)
Practice Mindfulness (Just look, listen, feel, taste and smell what is happening outside your body and not what is happening inside)
Reduce the number of doctor visits (I'm down from once every 2 weeks to twice a year).
Be nice to people, smile and be polite and try to make conversation (really hard for me being introvert)
I joined Meetup (download the app) and have started doing painting again with a friendly group

Look for the anxiety triggers and defuse them rationalise them and make them harmless

Little steps, but over time things will get better.

Hope this helps!

16-10-15, 19:12
I have real physical issues. In order to live my life as normally as I can, I have to do certain things on a daily basis.... Eat properly, do specific exercises etc. If I don't, I suffer. The same thing goes for maintaining mental health. With CBT for example, there are certain techniques you have to practice on a regular basis or you can fall back into the same habits and thought patterns.

There are some good on-line CBT courses. Perhaps that would be an option to explore or get yourself into some therapy as a refresher.

Positive thoughts

16-10-15, 19:23
Ahh stop googling, that has always been my go to. Since my week has been so bad I have in fact googled and come up with mag, definciay, reaction to advil, and a few others. Ugh

16-10-15, 19:46
No its not forever , fishmanpa as always has good advice .

For me it comes and goes but keeping busy and positive thoughts (plus meds) sort my swede out these days :hugs:

18-10-15, 14:40

Anxiety won't last forever. You just have to keep on fighting it. Yes you have to accept it, that's the first step in facing this predicament. Accept that it's there and it will last. But it will go away. It will take time and patience and a lot of medication and treatments. I know how difficult it is to expect and be disappointed but that is what makes us human. We can't have everything we want exactly when we want it. We just have to survive and endure, eventually we'll be okay.

18-10-15, 22:18
I thought my anxiety, panic and low blood sugar was forever. I had it for 36 years, but I found the cause of mine.

I have been diagnosed with Coeliac Disease. I now follow a gluten free diet and I generally feel wonderful. OK yes I do have my bad days, but I've not panicked in 4 years now.

Get tested, it could be physical! I only found out accidently after a bout of diarrhoea after eating a home made sponge cake and my GP suggested I cut out wheat. Was a revelation!

It may not all be in your mind!