View Full Version : please help severe reflux/panic attacks

16-10-15, 18:17
I've been having some bad reflux issues combined with my usual panic/attack issues I have. The reflux symptoms worry me: burning feeling at the back of my mouth, throat, stomach, chest; "burning acid feeling" at the back of my throat; sore throat that comes and goes; eye vein spasm that I appear is connected to my reflux issues. globus swallow issues, unsure if I've gained weigh, because I feel like the food is not being digested. And my anxiety symptoms appear to be overlapping with the reflux: palpitations/lightheaded/head rush/blood pressure shift up/down sensation while eating meals.

I've tried tums and I'm taking Gavicon. I feel like the Gavicon works but I think it doesn't also. Because I'm unsure if the Gavicon is making things better or worse, because I continue to have these reflux problems. Also, I take hydroxzine 25mg for anxiety issues.

My greatest worry is having throat/esophagus cancer. I can live with GERD or LPR over throat or espohagus cancer. I'm 23 years old grad student, I don't really smoke tobacco. I do drink(5-6 drinks 1 day of the week), I do exercise, I do eat right. I don't do illegal drugs or have unprotected sex. I weigh about in the 110s. So I'm unsure what caused the "Reflux problem" I having. I know I have anxiety issues and I have been stressed with my graduate school work and my research assistant job and other personal issues.

I'm unsure if the reflux issues I'm having are medical or mental or both, because it feels like both. I do not know, if its my diet that's "bad" or what. I do not know, if the Gavicon is making me better or worse.

17-10-15, 18:01
It sounds like your anxiety might be exacerbating the symptoms of the acid reflux and vice versa. Have you ever been diagnosed with GERD or anything? How long have you been having this problem?

I suffer from GERD (have done for 4 years now) and am on lansoprazole. It mostly helps, (it definitely reduces the symptoms a lot) but I still get some symptoms flare from time to time. I take Gaviscon Advance when this happens, which is much stronger.

Stress can sometimes cause the weirdest symptoms!! Also, eating certain foods I guess. I find that acidic food or spicy foods can really cause me issues. Things like sparkling drinks and tea and coffee also can be triggers, as well as some fruit and juices. Everyones different though!

Hoping you feel better soon!