View Full Version : Who else feels utterly drained after a panic attack?

16-10-15, 21:36
I usually feel absolutely exhausted and spaced out for hours after a panic attack has eventually finished. It's horrible, as though it's stripped me of my personality. :lac:

How does anybody else tend to feel?


patricia taylor
16-10-15, 21:54
same here, but at the same time glad it is over! I used to sometimes even feel a little hungry!

17-10-15, 06:10
Absolutely. This is actually a very normal reaction to the various hormones that are secreted in our bodies during the panic attacks as well as the mental drain we go through. To be honest, one of the best things to do to help this feeling is actually exercise during this time! Perhaps not for everyone and yes it seems counter intuitive but it helps burn off the cortisol that was released in our bodies during the attacks, which is what causes a lot of that feeling. You may be surprised to find you may feel better and even more energetic! Even taking a brisk walk could be beneficial. It is at least worth trying once to see anyway.

19-10-15, 09:55
I feel like this too.

After a minor panic, I can go back to doing what I was doing and not give it a second thought but I find that impossible after a massive one which sadly, I've been getting a lot of lately. I feel like I have been been physically battered by a boxer. My whole body aches and is sore to touch, especially my upper back and I can't focus on anything other than that panic attack. I always think "what if it wasn't a panic attack? What if I am actually ill?! When will the next one be?! Will it happen when I am outside? What if that is the one that makes me truly go insane or call 999?" and all that jazz.

I don't feel right for a good few days after a bad one. Sometimes though after a bad one, I get an odd burst of energy and feel almost eurporic! I want to jump about and say "yay! I survived!" but I rarely have that. Its usually the utterly drained feeling I feel.

20-10-15, 04:35

Fatigue is a common symptom of Panic attacks. It really is a hassle for it can greatly affect our functionality. I had panic attacks for years and I've tried many things just to lessen the fatigued effect it has on me. Meditation and relaxation worked very well, it calms you down and reduces the intensity of the panic. Also try to learn some proper breathing techniques. But the best treatment in my opinion is old fashion sleep. So try and have a healthy sleeping habit to recover your energy. I hope this helps.