View Full Version : Severe panick attack tonight :(

16-10-15, 22:08
I was out driving tonight and felt the all so familiar fear starting. The sweaty palms started and the heart started to race. I couldnt get it to pass even although i knew nothing was physically wrong with me as i have had full ECG's and had my bp all checked and all 100% fine. I actually had to pull over and chap a strangers door who welcomed me (thank god) i eventually had to call an ambulance because my hands started to go numb. I have never experienced that before. So the doctor came and told me it was a severe panick/anxiety attack and told me the hands were due to my breathing. I have been doing quite well and when this happens it feels like a major setback. Feel nackered afterwards and quite depressed. Sorry for being so negative but just need to get this off my cheast thanks.

patricia taylor
16-10-15, 22:22
sorry to hear about your attack, hope you are feeling better, perhaps tired, thinking of you:flowers:

16-10-15, 22:27
sorry to hear about your attack, hope you are feeling better, perhaps tired, thinking of you:flowers:

Thank you very kind words feeling a bit better now but just drained its just the thought when they come so hard to deal with. Thanks again:)

16-10-15, 22:37
Bless you, I'm sorry to hear that you experienced this :( I had a full blown panic attack as well today and I'm feeling absolutely exhausted and very tearful.

Please try not to see this as a setback, as disappointing as it probably feels. It's important to try and pick yourself back up, even if it takes a couple of days.


16-10-15, 22:49
Bless you, I'm sorry to hear that you experienced this :( I had a full blown panic attack as well today and I'm feeling absolutely exhausted and very tearful.

Please try not to see this as a setback, as disappointing as it probably feels. It's important to try and pick yourself back up, even if it takes a couple of days.


Hi strawberry thanks for the wee pick up. It is very disappointing but inoften do get over it with help from reading this forum and help from loved ones. But its always nice to confer with likeminded people. Sorry if saying likeminded offends anyone im not that good with words. Thanks again take care peeps xx

16-10-15, 23:11
Hi, I am soooo glad that the home you went to for help, helped you.
You must've been so distressed, and I can imagine a lot of people wudnt have helped.
Symptoms of anxiety can and do changed frequently. Hyper breathing causes pins and needles and eventually numbness. Whllst scarey, you'll no not to worry if it happens in future....its only panic!!!:shrug:
Take care, and don't let this episode hold you back from life x

16-10-15, 23:26
Hi Tommy - symptoms can change all the time. My very very first symptom was pins and needles and numbness in my hands and feet, which lasted hours and terrified me. x

16-10-15, 23:27
Hi Tommym,

I have been it that state many a time.
It is VERY scary and that is what Anxiety does to you. It scares the living daylights out of you.
A few tips to help you with your Panic when you are out or alone.

1. Remember the breathing techniques to help calm the breathing.
2. A bottle of water helps with the dehydration.
3. Have a friend or someone you know to call when you are in this state, so they can reassure you that you are going to be ok.
4. Divert your bad thoughts in to positive thoughts. i.e. you have been here before, you were fine the last time and it will pass.
5. Count to 100 and back or sing a song. If you can sing, then logically your heart and lungs are working well.
6. Remind yourself that it is the Anxiety and there is no need for the Fear.

Hope this will help you. :)

17-10-15, 06:05
Yikes! To do what you did illustrates how terrible you felt. I have certainly had those exact same types of panic attacks before and they are no good at all. I know it is so harder to say than do, but I feel like even though you didn't say so that you were most likely fighting the panic attack. It was lying to you that something was going to happen that has never happened before. This is why accepting and learning to let the panic pass. Give it time to do its worst and it is only then that it will lose its power. It sounds hard and unfathomable but it absolutely works in every instance I have ever heard or or experienced myself.

It should also make you feel better to know that nothing was actually wrong with you medically. Focus on the fact that when you feel like that again, which is likely, that it feels the same and last time - all the times - it is panic attacks/anxiety.

Trust me, one thing that is hard for us to understand - primary due to the "what if it isn't this time" question - is that if it is a true medical emergency, IT WILL BE different, it will feel different.

I wouldn't get caught up in the whole setback, relapse, whatever feelings. You have an anxiety disorder that causes panic attacks sometimes and you just had a panic attack. This is somewhat expected considering the circumstances. It is a natural body phenomenon just in an inappropriate situation.

Good luck to you.


17-10-15, 11:57
Hi everyone would just like to say thanks for the help and advice hope everyone is well thank you all again take care and god bless :) xx

17-10-15, 17:07
As my therapist always tells me, no one has ever died from a panic attack.

Its difficult in those situations to remain calm and to stop your train of thought from running away along a dark path but the best advice is to just accept that it's happening. Don't try to fight it.

You shouldn't feel like it's a setback, every time you have one and live just shows that there really isn't anything to worry about :).