View Full Version : eye problem

17-10-15, 10:32
Hi, first I'm sorry for my English...
I'm scared of going blind and dying...
I've been to a lot of eye specialists the past few months.
March: I had a burning and itching feelings in my left eye, along with temple pain, left side headache and pain in my upper left gum and teeth. Eye doctor (1) said I was having conjunctivitis and gave me eye drops for it... It didn't help. I actually started to have a blurred vision and it was so scary that I went to another eye specialist. Eye doctor (2) checked my eyes and found an inner eyelash, she removed it and after hours my pain was gone. (I don't know if I was really having the conjunctivitis, my eyes was looking normal or maybe I had it but the drops helped)...
April & May: I felt for about two three times pain in my left temple and gum & teeth for minutes and then it was gone... I also went to three different makeup artists because my prom was coming and I needed a good makeup artist and my eyes felt irritated when with makeup... I stopped putting makeup. (Now I haven't put on myself for 2 months)
July: I felt it hard to open my eyes in the mornings and had this itching feeling again in both my eyes so I went to eye doctror (2) again. I asked her to check if I was having a eyelash again and this time she told me I was having a blepharitis. She gave me an ointment and wanted to check my eyes after two weeks... Then I went on a vacation and my eyes always became red cause of the sea's salty water. I stopped the ointment and started to put some drops for the redness. She checked my eyes again in August, I told her about the vacation and all and she told me to keep on putting the ointment...
I put it for a while and I was feeling good so I stopped it.
The end of September: I started to feel all the things that I felt in March and I wanted to see Eye doctor (2) but she wasn't in town so I visited another one (3). I told her about the eyelash in March and about the blepharitis. She diagnosed me with an allergic conjunctivitis. (it was strange because I haven't put on makeup for 1 month) I putted the drops she gave me for ten days (the pain and everything was gone at the 6th day and the next day in the evening it came back). After the tenth day I went to another doctor (4). He told me I have blepharitis (only in the left eye and he said it was strange) and also that my eyelid doesn't close fully and that's why my eye is a little bit dry... Gave me drops and ointment... Eight days laters I started to feel my eyelid heavy and swollen (but it's not) and the pain now is so awful that I can't stand it... And I visited this doctor (4) again (that was 4 days ago) and he said I was having inner inflammation in the upper left eyelid and gave me another eye drops... (he told me to put them in my eye twice a day for 10 days). Tonight I woke up three times because of this eyelid pain. I'm also putting tea bags on my eyes. (yes my right eye & eyelid start to hurt too)
I also have pain above my left eye on the forehead. And the temple pain is like someone is sticking a pencil in it. My eyelid feels so heavy. :(:(:( My mom doesn't believe me anymore. She thinks I'm making up all this things because I was in a neurologic hospital and they did me a head scan and blood tests and everything is normal so the doctor said I was depressed (but I'm not feeling depressed at all). My symptoms were the temple pain, the eye pain and the head pain. They didn't even check my eyes there... So what if I'm depressed why all this eye doctors always find something in my eye? I'm not insane but my parents don't believe me anymore and I'm crying because of this.
(Also because of all my symptoms my dad took me to some 80 years old neurologist in August; he works in his own home) He checked the work of my brain along with the heart and said I have to take Rivotril but he also looked in my eyes and said I have '1-2 something in my right eye' and a lot in my left... We don't know what is this something. He never told us. He didn't send me for a scan because other things were normal. (month later we learned that this neurologist gives Rivotril to all his patients) I was feeling better I think...
Will I go blind will I die? What is going on with me? Could be a wisdom tooth the reason of all this? The dentists said that my wisdom teeth have to be removed but that they don't think they cause my pain and that they can wait a little longer. Although I made an appointment for Tuesday to take out the upper left one. I just want my live back. :( Even now the pain in my left eyelid is so awful :(

20-10-15, 21:09
Hi Mary it could be dry eyes or tension in the neck can cause these eye problems. Look up trigger points for trapezius muscle or sternocloidomastoid muscle trigger points and see do the images match where your pain is. Hope you get relief. I have similar and seeing a chiropractor at the moment.

---------- Post added at 21:04 ---------- Previous post was at 20:44 ----------

www.fibrodoc.org/headache.htm (http://www.fibrodoc.org/headache.htm) has nice info on headaches and muscles

---------- Post added at 21:09 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

Also computer vision syndrome is becoming very common now because of all the eye strain from looking at small phone screens and computers and bad posture while sitting looking at them.

21-10-15, 13:11
Thank you so much for your reply, Rachael! The images do match my pain oh my god! And the information sounds just like me. I had this friend in school last year that was giving me a lot of massages and he was always saying my neck muscles are super tight. It must be that. Does seeing a chiropractor help you? Are you feeling better? :):hugs:

21-10-15, 22:19
Mary I am so happy to hear that you can relate your pain to the images. It takes a lot of worry away when we can see a reason why. I had the chiro again today and we have narrowed it down to possible sub occipital muscles so hopefully the headaches will start improving. It does not have to be a chiro either if you can see a good massage therapist that knows neuromuscular therapy would be enough. A session here is about 40 to 50 euros but you will know after 1 or 2 sessions if its helping. Please ask any questions and let me know how you get on. :)

---------- Post added at 22:19 ---------- Previous post was at 22:17 ----------

Also there are other muscles than the traps and scm. Trigger points for headaches will usually pull up all related muscles and just go into the images x

22-10-15, 12:42
I told my mom about it and she said again that I'm okay and that all is in my brain and my symptoms are not real. :( I hope your headache will dissapear soon. :hugs: Do you feel pain in your eyes as well? I'm most worried about my eyes. I even had a wisdom tooth surgery two days ago and I don't feel pain there. I have this burning sometimes itching feeling and my eyelids feel heavy and my left eyeball hurts when I move it. I don't know how to make my mom to let me go to a chiropractor.

26-10-15, 13:22
Sorry Mary I just logged in today and saw your messages. A good massage would help it does not have to be a chiropractor. How you describe your pain is just the same as mine. You sound very young. What age are you. I see my daughter gets headaches regular too but I bring her for massages when they get too frequent.