View Full Version : Day Unit

14-02-07, 13:55
Hi there,

I haven't been posting on the forum for quite a few months now but been keeping in touch with HoneyBee and having a peek in every now and then. Hope you are all doing well.

I have now been diagnosed with GAD by my Psychiatrist and recommended meds (which I refused due to my meds phobia) and attending a day unit at the local Psych Hospital for one day a week.

Started my first session Monday past in a 10 week course in Anxiety Management. I was totally drained and exhaused Monday night but found I couldn't sleep as all the thoughts of what had happened/been said kept going through my head. Yesterday was totally exhausted and even to-day I am still going over some of what was said in my head!

I have read on the Internet many experiences of anxiety but found it very traumatic to actually sit in a group of 10 people where some were shaking and crying and talking of their experiences first hand which included trying to escape from anxiety and failing, losing their children as they couldn't cope and someone who wanted to bang his head on a brick wall to escape from the symptoms.

I am worrying now about if I will be able to cope with another session and how I can possibly give support in the group when I am still dealing with my own problems.

Only a short while ago I never left the house for 4 months and then I was able to go out in the car with my partner for 5 mins and back home and now after a hard struggle coping I am able to go shopping, out for meals and spend longer periods of time in the house on my own. I am so worried that this will set me back.

Spoke to my Key Worker who said that it's not for everybody but to give it another couple of sessions before i make up my mind.

Has anyone got any experiences of a day unit or had any advice which will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


14-02-07, 17:25
hi spice

im currently attending the day unit at hospital on a monday. Ive been there for 8 weeks and this time around Im am finding it more beneficial.

Two years ago I had to attend as well and struggled really badly trying to control my anxiety and came away thinking about all the other peoples problems. But i did stick it out and although it was very difficult i started to understand more about anxiety and got a lot out of the sessions.

I was referred back short term as a recap as I had had a setback recently.

Group therapy is not for everyone - but I would say to try and go another few weeks to see how it goes. Try and not compare yourself to others in the group cos we are all different but it is good to have people around you who are experiencing similar symptoms and its interesting to find out how they cope.

Hope this has helped.

Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

14-02-07, 18:29
Thank you so much for the reply DarkAngel.

It's really good to hear from someone first hand who has found being in a Unit beneficial.

Going to give it a go again next week and see how things go I think.

Thanks again.


14-02-07, 18:46
Hi Spice, I attended a day unit last year and couldn''t quite believe I was there. Once it settled down, I found it very helpful. Just being with people who are in the same boat helped me. It's worth persevering - at the start I found it a bit surreal. Keep it up and let us know how you get on next week.

Love Jo x

10-04-07, 08:33
Hi again everyone,

I did persevere with it and completed the 8 weeks of the course in Anxiety Management.
I can't believe just how much it helped me just being with people who are enduring exactly the same symptoms and supporting each other and learning everything about anxiety and how to deal with it.

I have made some new friends which I am so happy about after spending so long inside and cutting myself off from old friends because I felt they just didn't understand my situation.
But the best part of it all is that after a year and a half of being virtually housebound, since starting the course I am now able to go places, out for meals etc., and be able to control my anxiety and yesterday my partner and I took my little girl to the funfair for the first time in a year and a half as she normally goes with my ex! I was so happy and she kept saying how proud she was of me and I cannot tell you how much it meant to me to be able to see her enjoying herself on the rides.
Later in the evening I even went and did the weekly shop in the Supermarket for the first time in about 2 years as I normally do it online or my partner does it.

I know that I will probably never be anxiety free but learing to cope with it and having the support of other sufferers definitely got me on the road back to recovery.

Take care everyone.


10-04-07, 09:29
Hi Spice

I have just caught with your post, as i hadnt been online myself for a while due to a little setback.
Im realy pleased you managed the Anxiety Course, i remember my first session well and had the same thoughts as you (having to listen to others problems) but i geuss the first session was just to get to know people and like you i did stick it out and found it very helpful.:)
Its lovely to read how well you are doing Spice! Im so pleased for you,I can imagine how proud you are feeling by managing to do all the things you havent been able to do for a while. Im so proud of you!:yesyes: :yesyes:

WELL DONE !:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

