View Full Version : Head injuries concerns

17-10-15, 12:52
Hi everybody. On Tuesday I had to be taken to the hospital because I fell while I was going up the stairs.(which I don't even remember happening) But anyway, the doctors did a CT scan and it initially showed that I had bleeding on the brain. They also did a X-ray of my left shoulder as it was causing me pain(I apparently fell on it when I fell on the stairs) and they said it was a muscle sprain. I was gonna be kept in the ICU at the hospital I was at, but it was full so I was transferred to another hospital. I stayed at that hospital overnight and the next day they did another CT scan and that time it showed that it wasn't bleeding on the brain that it was bruising in between the brain and skull. I was later removed from the ICU there and put in a regular room. I stayed another night and I had a CT scan of my shoulder and it was a minor fracture. So now I have to wear a sling around it for the next couple of weeks.

I'm home now and the doctors prescribed me some anti-seizure meds and some pain meds for my shoulder. But even though I feel fine for the most part(aside from the shoulder) and don't have any symptons I can't help but be concerned about my head. I know the CT scans didn't show anything extremely series, but then I made the mistake of looking up things and I learned that some serious symptons sometimes didn't emerge until a while later. And this has me thinking back to how Natasha Richardson passed away.

18-10-15, 06:21
They did what they know they have to by scanning either side of that watch period. If they thought there was a possibility of any complication, there is no way they would have let you go home. So, unless you start to have symptoms from the head injury, you should be fine. If you have anything that they advised you to look out for from a concussion, seek medical advice and go from there.

It's not a good idea to look up things that are rare. The reason being, you are forgetting about the millions of people who have head injuries around the world every year. You will concentrate on a case like Natasha Richardson and not consider all the millions of patients who may have had the same and been fine.