View Full Version : Worried About Lump/Bump in Abdomen

17-10-15, 16:17
I have a serious history of health anxiety and lately it has gotten worse. Last week I noticed a lump/bump on my abdomen. I was really bloated and felt some pressure and I started feeling around then got in the shower and started arching my back feeling it and then running my fingers hard down my abdomen until I found it and so on. If I lay on my back and like poke I can't feel a round lump but if I take my finger straight down with pressure it's there. I went to urgent care last Sunday because I wasn't getting any bloating relief and I talked myself into it being an intestinal blockage and I needed some peace and the doctor gave me a full exam and pressed around and said that it's not a medical emergency and nothing was abnormal I just needed to take some Imodium to release the gas in my body. Well I keep feeling the lump so I have a meltdown and decide to go see my doc about my birth control because it's been bothering me and I just wanted an excuse to get it checked again and she feels my entire abdomen and says there is nothing wrong with you. I'm freaking out. I keep googling things and of course cancer comes up and I'm so afraid. I dont want it to be anything bad and I don't know how to trust the doctors. I saw two of them and they say nothing is wrong. My dad checked it out and said its a muscle thing and my mom didn't even bat an eye at it. My fiancé is like the doctors said its nothing so we will drop it because you're fine and I just don't know what to do. It's not like I can keep going to doctors and demand for a scan or something to ease my mind. Should I be worried? Please help.

17-10-15, 21:29
Oh gosh I could be writing this apart from its s lump in my breast , nobody else can feel
It apart from me ! Now if the doctors are telling you that they arnt concerned then maybe you should just stop checking and prodding for a while and see if it goes away , maybe your feeling a fatty lump ? Does it move under your fingers ? I have lots and lots of fatty lumps and I think the general rule is if they move hey are not harmful x