View Full Version : anyone suffer heart worries?

17-10-15, 16:43

iv posted a few times recently iv been suffering alot with palpatations had countless normal ecgs i ended up having one today came back completly normal doc explained to me anything serious would show i have a fear of sudden cardiac arrest especially brugada syndrome as stupid google said it wouldnt show on an ecg she assured me it would i come home and i feel so breathless and my heart racing so much and thudding i just cant seem to accept nothing wrong when i feel this bad?! it was just palpatations its now breathlessness too!

17-10-15, 20:31

iv posted a few times recently iv been suffering alot with palpatations had countless normal ecgs i ended up having one today came back completly normal doc explained to me anything serious would show i have a fear of sudden cardiac arrest especially brugada syndrome as stupid google said it wouldnt show on an ecg she assured me it would i come home and i feel so breathless and my heart racing so much and thudding i just cant seem to accept nothing wrong when i feel this bad?! it was just palpatations its now breathlessness too!

I have recently dealt with this as well. Very scary stuff isn't it? I have been to the hospital twice and had various tests and have had EKG's at my primary care doctor and they haven't detected anything. The palpitations sometimes make me feel breathless too. I would say that worrying about palpitations will bring them on. And sometimes they do come out of nowhere, but anxiety can be to blame even if you don't exactly "feel" anxious.

I also want to add that Brugada syndrome is mostly inherited. It can put you in ventricular fibrillation but VFIB isn't really "felt" Only an EKG/ECG will detect it, you wouldn't be able to "feel" it as you would other types of ectopics or palpitations. So the fact that you "feel" your heart would lead me to assume that Vfib isn't the issue here. I am currently seeing a Psychiatrist for this very reason and a Bereavement Counselor for another and I want to say I have found some relief. I am currently taking Zoloft and Propranolol (Ativan as needed). I was taking the Ativan everyday for a couple months and woke up one day this week and FORGOT to take it! If you knew anything about how I have been feeling lately, you would know that I would wake up daily with so much worry on my mind and the thought of Ativan! I felt as though I needed it just to go to work. So to just "forget" was amazing in itself. I haven't taken Ativan in a week! I would encourage you to seek help if you haven't already. I hope you feel some relief soon! :)

17-10-15, 21:14
hi hun thank you so much for your message it really helped me
iv calmed down alot tonight and i havent been breathless or had palps!
when im calm i see things alot clearer and i do see now iv had soooooo many ecgs and theyve all come back fine the 'sudden deaths' you hear about those people have probly never been tested before
sorry to hear you have to go threw the same i take duluxotine and propananol and diazepam when needed i have actually taken it less since this exstreme panic set in strangely i feel stupid once iv calmed down i kept telling my husband last night i knew i wasnt going to wake up alive ... i did lol x

17-10-15, 21:45
Sadly this has been my main source of anxiety for a decade and a half now, up to now the tests have never been wrong. I will say the faster you can bring yourself to accept the results the better your long term chances are of dealing with the anxiety and catastrophic thoughts.
It is scary, but it is just our natural defence mechanism in overdrive, and the range of possible physical symptoms it can cause is astonishing, to this day I still get new ones.

I wish you best :) I hope you can quickly come to some comfort and resolution with this.

21-10-15, 08:46
thank you hun i moved from my heart back to dvt its ridiculous just want a normal day with no worries :(

21-10-15, 17:38
Hi hun, I totally understand I've felt like this for years, I've also had countless normal tests but never seem to accept that everything's fine! I have better days and worse days but I hope you can find some reassurance in the knowledge that you're not alone, its a really scary thing worrying about your heart but I promise youre not alone xx

21-10-15, 17:49
its moved on form my heart now I'm convinced Iv got dvt had 2 negative scans but nothing is reassuring me I feel like giving up :(