View Full Version : Does this sound like an ingrown toe nail?

17-10-15, 17:44
I've had pain in my big toe for over a week now it's in the corner it hurts when pressed. I did a silly thing and got my nail scissors under the nail that curled slightly at the side a cut it off thinking it was my nail digging into my skin which is why it was hurting. Now I've realised it could be an ingrown toe nail as the pain is still there :( and now I've cut down into the nail so I'm scared how my nail is going to grow.
I'm seeing my GP Monday but I'm so scared that I will need an operation or it will get infected :(
I've put Sudocrem on it but it's all I can think about right now any advise please?
Thank you in advance

Here's a picture

17-10-15, 20:56
Don't worry - just keep an eye on the nail as it grows and makes sure you cut it straight across, not curved. x

17-10-15, 21:59
Thank you yes I will keep an eye on it I'm obsessing over it at the moment!
It's not cut straight atm it's curved as I've cut it so low :( well not really low just not straight across like the rest of the nail. I'm so scared it will get infected :(

---------- Post added at 21:59 ---------- Previous post was at 21:58 ----------

But you've eased my mind thank you xx

17-10-15, 22:18
I have the weirdest growing toenails, I have tiny toenails and they tend to curve in, sometimes the nail comes off when I cut them cause they're tiny (my sons are the same), they've never got infected or ingrown. Xxx

17-10-15, 22:23
I've had little toe nails like those that fall off! :)
This one is sore to touch and when I scoop my fiver nail under it I raise like a sharp bit of nail that's digging in my skin. I tries trimming it earlier but now regret it!
Hope it's nothing xx

18-10-15, 11:38
It happened to my daughter - she had cut it funny and it was poking in to the skin. The doc referred her to the podiatrist at the clinic who cut it properly and told her how to cut it in future x

18-10-15, 11:43
I've had 2 ingrowing toenails which became infected and I had to have surgery on both toes. Believe me, the pain is extreme and I couldn't even let the bedsheet touch my toes because of the inflammation.

I think you should see a podiatrist if you're worried and have a professional toe trimming session-it'll be well worth it and she can assess your nail shape?

18-10-15, 12:37
I went to a foot clinic privately to get rid of a very stubborn verruca, it was very reasonably priced, I think it was 15 which is nothing considering what I'd already spent on over counter stuff. Never considered going for my funny toenails but definitely worth a thought!

18-10-15, 12:54
Pepper pot- that's what I'm hoping will happen, I'd love them to sort it without the need of anything major as it would just send my anxiety through the roof! I'm hoping it's fixable. X

Pulisa-this is what I'm dreading! Infection then surgery the pain only happens when pressed down on the corner of my toe. x

Traceypo - Would the NHS cover the cost you recon? If not I could pay but money is tight at the moment. But I was just wondering if there's NHS foot clinics x

---------- Post added at 12:54 ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 ----------

Here's a photo of it. Excuse the chipped nail polish!

18-10-15, 15:06
There are NHS ones hun, ask doc for a referral, both my sister and dad are diabetic so they go to NHS ones.
I paid privately as I felt daft going to docs with a verruca, especially as I have so many other imaginary pressing issues to go there with, haha. Xxx

---------- Post added at 15:06 ---------- Previous post was at 13:30 ----------

There are NHS ones hun, ask doc for a referral, both my sister and dad are diabetic so they go to NHS ones.
I paid privately as I felt daft going to docs with a verruca, especially as I have so many other imaginary pressing issues to go there with, haha. Xxx

18-10-15, 21:56
I had one when I was about four or five, parents told me to hospital (I use to hate having my toe nails cut when I was a child) having a disbaility.

I can remember having stuff come out my nail discharge. also had to sit out of PE which I did not mind being five.