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View Full Version : Could this be hernia? Really panicking

18-10-15, 03:08
Hi all. I've been having lower abdominal and groin pain that has increased in the last few days. It gets worse when moving, bending over and pressing the area. Today, I noticed that sometimes if I sit and bend my legs together a pouch like lump appears in the tender area just above my scrotum, but disappears when I change the position. Could this be a hernia? I have a phisio appointment tomorrow but I'm really worried that if it is strangulated that it'll be too late!:weep::weep:
Regards, Peterthegreatworrier

18-10-15, 03:52
Let us know what the doctor says.

Positive thoughts

18-10-15, 03:55
I had pain like that
Turned out I needed a new hip

blue moon
18-10-15, 04:28
How is your hip going Phill.

Peter hope the pysio,or however the spell it can help.

Petra x:hugs:

18-10-15, 04:32
Great thanks Petra. :yesyes:
Had it done at Hillcrest by Dr Janus.
Great hospital and a great doctor.