View Full Version : mornings

silver blaze
18-10-15, 10:10
You never know one morning I might wake up and feel really, really, good to be alive (can you see pigs flying above):weep:

18-10-15, 10:19
I'm with you at the moment silver blaze. Mornings bite the big one. But, I'm positive things will get better :yesyes:

18-10-15, 14:11
I'm the opposite, nights are worse for me- such as last night I was still awake at 4.15 and must have drifted off after that, I was fine when I got up (Just a little tired but not anxious) but now I can feel an attack brewing. What a life!

18-10-15, 14:21
Mornings crap for me to...:weep:

18-10-15, 14:30
Yes mornings are hideous. I always say I dread the moment I wake up because it's all going to start again but on the positive side it's 100% better than the alternative......... Not waking up at all

18-10-15, 15:08
Mornings not too good for me either. Thing is it makes me not want to go to bed at nights because I don't look forward to what the morning may bring.

18-10-15, 18:44
And I also hate it when you wake up really early like I am now at 3:30am and have anxiety and can't fall back into a real sleep. Just toss and turn. :weep:

23-10-15, 09:56
Really struggling this morning :weep:
Trying all coping techniques but can't get there, jsut want to curl up in a ball and ignore everything, but I can't.
I work with my husband at home. Work is my problem, but i still have to do it each day so it just brings more anxiety. Viscious circle.
Finding it hard to cope.

23-10-15, 10:05
Mornings are hideous
I feel like I take my anxiety to bed with me and it shakes me awake every morning. Waking up in high alert mode is so draining and scary. I hate the physical symptoms. I dream of the day I wake up smile, turn over and go back to sleep feeling safe and comfy in my bed....are these mornings gone forever !!

28-10-15, 05:11
The thing about mornings for me is actually getting out of bed !! -would be great to want to at some point- :doh:


28-10-15, 08:40
Mornings used to be bad for me and I believe morning anxiety is the last thing to go.Its the internal fear of what the day will bring
I can tell you all though this will pass in time and you can recover from it