View Full Version : Work and Anxiety Problem

18-10-15, 10:48
Hi Everyone,

I feel I am in a little bit of a dilemma and I would really like some advice!

I've been struggling with panic attacks and anxiety very badly for the last 8 months at work. I usually have very bad anxiety before work, sometimes I'll have a panic attack if I'm really dreading going. The anxiety carries on very badly throughout the day and often I'll have a panic attack at least 3 times a week.

I don't get panic attacks very often outside of work, the only other time I've had them is in very busy shopping centres. However I know that work is the cause of my anxiety, this is where it started and where it continues to happen. The people I work with are so nasty towards each other, everyone is always discussing how much they hate the work and the management are very rude and give no support. Being there I always feel on edge and most days I feel like I just cannot carry on any more, as much as I wish I could just quit, I know I can't.

Now my dilemma is, I've been looking for new jobs as like I have already mentioned, I believe that workplace is the main cause, I never suffered previously and I just want it to stop. I've got a couple of interviews coming up - I know I don't already have a new job to go to but I've been thinking... My team leader is also my best friend, she knows all about my anxiety and she will do whatever she can (management allowing) to help me. I've discussed leaving with her and she does not want me to go, but she has also said that she knows I need to do what is best for myself. My problem is that, if I leave and go somewhere else, will I just feel exactly the same? If that were to happen, I wouldn't have my team leaders support and that scares me quite a bit, that I would be totally on my own. But I could go somewhere else and be perfectly fine? I know I will probably never find the perfect job, where everyone is totally happy - but surely I can find somewhere better than where I am and be happy myself?

Has anyone else experienced anxiety in the same way that I have? If you have, I would love to hear your stories/advice as I don't know what to do!

Thank you all so much in advance.

18-10-15, 14:19
I have suffered from anxiety and panic disorder for about 20 years but always managed to work besides a few blips when I had to take sick leave. I started my "current" job 10 years ago and found myself working with a totally incompetent manager. After the first couple of years I found myself doing more and more of her work and my anxiety level started to rise getting to the point where the only thing I was doing was walking back and to to work, couldn't have nights out and shopping trips because of panic attacks. Everybody told me to get out of that job because of what it was doing to me but by then it was too late couldn't go to interviews because of extreme anxiety and panic so still I plodded on doing all the work . Well to cut a very long story short one day my brain exploded ! Complete anxiety meltdown and now have been off sick for 11 months . Panic disorder with good old agoraphobia and my life has been pretty dreadful. My advice GET OUT NOW before things get worse. Please don't leave it too late like I did. In the meantime try and find ways to cope with your anxiety, relaxation music, mindfulness meditation and if it comes to it medication. God bless you good luck with interviews

19-10-15, 15:51
Hi Daaanz

I can understand completely where you are coming from (you too Jayb1). I have been off of work for the past 4 months for almost the same reasons that Jayb1 descrbed. My biggest fear is that when I return, I will just get overwelmed again and have another breakdown. Plus I cant stop scenario building about what people will say about me (I care too much about what people say and always want to be liked) because there are some very narrow minded people where I work. My line manager (although she has her faults) is very supportive of me though and I know she will "protect" me as much as she can.

I would say that you should do whatever is best for your health. If the prospect of doing something new reduces your anxiety levels then go for that or if having your manager/friend their to support you makes you secure then go for that :)

I hope that you feel better soon.