View Full Version : Enlarged lymph node in armpit.

18-10-15, 12:40
Hello, 20 year old male here who has a history of health anxiety.

Last night while laying in bed I found, what I assume, is an enlarged lymph node in my armpit. It's about the size of a pea and under my skin (I've felt it enough to be sure it's not just a bump in my skin or anything). This really concerns me as I've not been feeling a 100% as of late. I've had persistent small headaches, I've been seemingly a lot more tired than normal and been cold in normal room temps.

The bump really scares me because in my mind it of course screams cancer. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and all that. When should I seriously get worried for the bump and when should I really be contacting a doctor about this?

19-10-15, 18:45
Any lump needs checked out to be on the safe side, so make an appointment during the week. They will prob give you a course of antibiotics to see if it vanishes before anything else x

20-10-15, 12:08
Hello, 20 year old male here who has a history of health anxiety.

Last night while laying in bed I found, what I assume, is an enlarged lymph node in my armpit. It's about the size of a pea and under my skin (I've felt it enough to be sure it's not just a bump in my skin or anything). This really concerns me as I've not been feeling a 100% as of late. I've had persistent small headaches, I've been seemingly a lot more tired than normal and been cold in normal room temps.

The bump really scares me because in my mind it of course screams cancer. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and all that. When should I seriously get worried for the bump and when should I really be contacting a doctor about this?

Hey hey Brotato, I had health anxiety a lot at the same age and went through stuff like this. Firstly the easiest thing to do is have your doctor check it out, he will i'm positive, tell you it is completely normal and nothing to worry about :D

Can I ask though, strange question, what deodorant do you use? is it spray on anti-persperant, with alcohol etc?

I ask as at the same age I started to get quite a few of these small lumps under my armpit and it turned out when I changed to a non-alcohol based roll on deodorant, as per some advise, they stopped appearing half as much and now I get just the odd one. Whether that was coincidence or not i will never know but it did work strangley, so just thought I would ask! :)