View Full Version : Sinus Problem

18-10-15, 13:44
Hi all,

10 days ago I had a cold. Got over the worst of it within 4 days. The usual bunged up nose, cough and very nasty headache.

What's lingered for the past 6 days is a forehead pressure and a similar, more subtle feeling behind the eyes and upper nose but that's only intermittently. The forehead pressure has been very constant.

I understand that it's probably due to the cold which seems to have moved to my chest now. No dodgy phlegm colour but I have a tickly cough in the morning and evening when I lie down - again perfectly normal.

I think the pressure has unnerved me for a bit. 3 days ago it got much better then the past 2 days I worried/thought about it more and so guess what happened? It became more pronounced and my old partner in crime dizziness came along to join the party.

I can rationalize it till the cows come home but I'm going to see my GP tomorrow. Rang NHS 111 earlier and being as "helpful" as ever they said "speak to a Dr within 24 hours". My goodness they sound as paranoid as the daily mail...or my inner thoughts when it comes to ANY symptom.

But I did my old Google trick of "Anxiety" followed by "Head pressure" and I found no end of entries from people suffering with sinus issues. So I get that it's common, I also know it's not dangerous, even though the internet, especially papaers and God awful WebMD take freak 1 in a million cases of where a sinus infection spread to the brain and of course my brain suddenly sees DANGER! and I start feeling worse as the fight or flight fires off for another day of mayhem.

What a load of balls :whistles:


18-10-15, 16:14
I hate sinusitis. It always causes me so much anxiety. But then again most illnesses do, however slight.....
It does cause dizziness and you have that horrid pressure in your head and along your cheek bones.
Try inhaling steam. Try flushing your nasal passages with warm slightly salty water. Try avoiding dairy products. Try a decongestant.
It's rarely serious and some people live with it almost constantly.
I do understand how you feel. People laugh at me when I panic about something like that but for me it's scary.
Hoping this helps to reduce your anxiety and that your sinuses clear up soon.

18-10-15, 16:21
Thank you for your help. I need to try inhaling steam more. Truth be told I think worrying about it's just making it feel worse.



19-10-15, 22:36
I've had recurrent sinusitis for the past 5-6 months. I, too, get the horrible pressure on my forehead/between my eyes, and a weird feeling in my nose.

I'm awaiting an ENT appointment which can't come soon enough, as it's making me feel so dazed and a bit off kilter (which isn't good when I have a phobia of feeling dizzy).

Sinusitis can usually be solved with antibiotics or a simple steroidal spray :)

In my case, however, it possibly keeps coming back due to narrow nasal passages (which my sister has), which a simple op can correct.

I understand how rubbish the symptoms are, but remember that sinusitis isn't dangerous, and is probably accountable for the dizziness.