View Full Version : Please help, so scared, tingling face/tongue/legs

18-10-15, 14:10
Hi everyone,
I am very scared and need reassurance or some kind of help!

Im 24 years old, I am housebound with agoraphobia and have been for years and years.

I started having light tingling in my face on Wednesday as well as tingling in my tongue, I put this down to anxiety and also my b12 deficiency (I have b12 shots every 3 months)

I had my b12 shot on Thursday and thought that would sort these symptoms out...but later on Thursday it got much worse and was affecting my throat too, the mouth symptoms were more so a burning tingling.

Since then I also have tingling in my legs and neck as well as my face/scalp, I also have the tingling a little in my arms/hands but thats not as bad as the other areas.
Its like a pins and needles or crawling type feeling, perhaps slightly itchy feeling too (no rash) and it doesn’t seem to go away. I am very worried about this. I rang NHS 111 on Friday and they told me to get a dr’s advice immediately I usually have telephone appointments but recently switched drs where i was told they would do telephone appointments for me, when i rang i got a rude receptionist who said they didn't do telephone appointments, but finally gave me one after i said id rang 111 and was told i needed drs advice and i couldn't come in as i was completely housebound. The dr rang me and was so disgustingly rude to me on the phone and basically told me to get out more and sip some water and didn’t give me any help regarding my symptoms! I explained this burning mouth was not anxiety it was in my throat too a pins and needles burning scolding sensation.

Since then anyway I've also got the tingling in my face, scalp, neck (my neck felt quite numb yesterday too) I also have tingling in my legs and feet and a little in my arms and hands.
I am trying to stay as calm as possible as I know anxiety will only worsen the symptoms but I don’t know what I should do from here, do you think this could be a nerve issue? Do i need to take lots of valium and go to an emergency department, i really do know what to do :'( Im so scared.

18-10-15, 15:10
Ring 111 again hun, as your gp practice isn't open they can't ask you to speak to them. They have access to 24 hour gps and will assess you on your symptoms.

18-10-15, 15:15
Do you think I should, i get really anxious even on the phone so it all just adds to the anxiety and makes it all worse :(

Maybe thats the best thing to do, I just want it to go :(

Do you think it sounds serious, I am only 24 but am scared of what it could be if its not anxiety

18-10-15, 15:26
I know what you mean, I hate ringing 111, they go through loads of questions and by the end I'm convinced I have the lot. Are you able to go to your nearest walk in centre or would that be to much of an ordeal for you?
Have you tried to do something that will take your mind off your symptoms for a while to see if they reduce?
I feel sad that at 24, you're living your life this way, have you any therapist support for your issues?
Do you feel you can wait another day until you speak to your own doctor again?
I've had facial tingling, usually my nose and cheek, strangely it's only there when I think about it.
The way we breathe can cause tingling too, if we're hyperventilating, and you may not even realise you're doing it, that can cause it too.
Try having a relaxing bath with a book, reassess after that and see if you really need medical assistance today.

---------- Post added at 15:26 ---------- Previous post was at 15:22 ----------

This also might help, http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3786

18-10-15, 15:36
I am completely housebound and have been for 6 years so it would be incredibly difficult for me to go to a walk in centre but I have been thinking about it.

I have had every therapy you could possibly think of over the years hypnotherapy, been through the whole mental health system, ENT, NLP, seen one of the top CBT practitioners, seen a world renowned agoraphobia specialist, gateway workers, general therapists, therapists specialising in agoraphobia and panic attacks, you name it I've most likely tried it.

I have had this since Wednesday and have tried to take my mind off it with watching films and things but it doesn't seem to be disappearing, i think it does get worse when i start to get anxious but thats usually the case with any sort of thing, anxiety doesn't help any situation.

I may think about a walk in centre but even the though of that is making me extremely anxious so I will have to see :(

18-10-15, 15:41
Why don't you give your local walk in centre a call and explain situation, you might be able to speak to you on phone. My local one has always been great with me, I bypass 111 cause as I've said I'm hyperventilating by end of call because of the list of questions.
I'm out of ideas hun, do you have support at home with you? Xxx

18-10-15, 15:50
I did think about that and tried to look for the walk in centres number but can't find it online :( i feel that would be the best option for me to be honest.

I usually do but my mums not here with me at the moment so that makes it worse :( xx

18-10-15, 15:53
What's your nearest one called xxx

18-10-15, 15:59
I think I may have found the number now do they usually start with 0300?


18-10-15, 16:01
They might hun, that sounds like an NHS number xxx

18-10-15, 16:10
Ok I may try that then, I am going to talk to my mum and see what she thinks. Thank you so much for being there for me, if I do manage to talk to anyone or see anyone I will let you know what happens!

Thank you again! I really appreciate it! x

18-10-15, 19:50
No bother hun, take care xxx

---------- Post added at 19:50 ---------- Previous post was at 16:29 ----------

How are you feeling now eevie xx

18-10-15, 20:57

I rang 111 again and they got me a telephone dr appointment which i feel is still a little pointless as i need someone to see me not guess on the phone, she was nice but gave me no help as to what it could be and just said id need to see a dr this week for an examination, however the drs i moved to were so horrible to me on the phone this week that I'm too scared to ring them again they said they wouldn't even give me a telephone appointment at first so theres no way theyll do a home visit, I may need to switch drs again!!

I am still tingling in my face neck and legs, I got very panicky earlier and started having a panic attack due to it all, I have calmed myself down and am just trying to relax (as much as I can) I hope it all goes away soon and i will have no need to contact the dr again, I'm praying anyway!!


18-10-15, 21:04
Try and have a good night sleep, your symptoms may reduce when your mum returns.
Hope you feel better tomorrow, if 111 thought there was any immediate risk to you, they would have sent a paramedic, they did that to me when I had a chest infection.

18-10-15, 21:09
Thank you so much for your support really means a lot. I am going to maybe try to watch an episode of a series or something and try to relax, really hoping the symptoms reduce soon.

Thats good to hear that they must think i didn't need immediate attention then. Its also good to know they do send people out if you really need it!

I think it worries me knowing i have no way of getting anywhere if i needed to but i will do my best to stay calm. xxx

18-10-15, 21:23
If you really needed it, you ring 999 hun and a paramedic will come to you, they can't take you to hospital unless you agree, but they can perform a lot of routine tests at home, I know this cause they did it all for me, I didn't go to hospital.
I'm certainly not saying you need that, however it's an option for you if you feel you do need it at any time, I always find I feel better if I know my options.
Enjoy your series, and hope you have a good night sleep.
This forum is about support, we can't diagnose, but can lend an ear to someone who needs it.

18-10-15, 21:26
Thank you that puts my mind at ease knowing that would be an option if I ever needed it and had no way of getting help. Do you know what sort of tests they can perform, a paramedic that is?

It really is lovely to find such supportive people, you're support has really helped me today xx

18-10-15, 21:30
Ecg, temperature, blood pressure, pulse and oxygen levels, they are the ones they did for me. It wasn't even an ambulance, just a car that can carry a conscious passenger to hospital if needed.

18-10-15, 21:33
Ok well thats great to know anyway :) it puts my mind at ease a little anyway knowing they can come out if i really needed them to at night or something.


18-10-15, 21:39
I didn't know the range of things they could do until they came to me, the one I had, had dealt with anxiety a lot, probably because anxiety can manifest in so many different ways, he was really lovely and calmed me down, I emailed the ambulance service to comment on his whole manner.
Let me know how you are tomorrow, night xxx

18-10-15, 21:48
Thats great that you had someone so lovely that had dealt with anxiety before, thats always a horrible feeling when you think it could be someone who's just going to tell you to breathe slowly and treat you in a patronising way!
Speak soon! Night! xx

19-10-15, 08:22
How are you feeling this morning? Xxx

19-10-15, 16:19
Hello :)
I am still feeling the tingling in my face area and neck and my legs/feet but I am just trying not to concentrate on it all to see if i can make it go away and if its more anxiety related. My face didn't feel as bad when i woke up but it got worse throughout the day.

I took an antihistamine (I'm really scared to take pills) last night, I thought it it was some sort of reaction it may help, Ill take another today just in case!

I am registering at a different drs and will hopefully get an appointment with them this week to go over everything.

I hope you're well! xx

19-10-15, 17:44
That's good to hear, I think you've made the right choice in changing surgeries, you need to feel confident in your gp so to be spoken to abruptly on your first contact isn't going to help. I'm lucky, my surgery is fab with me, though I'm sure they have a giant health anxiety warning on my notes. They always try to squeeze me in, probably because they know I'll end up in a walk in or a and e.
I'm doing well today, I'm off work due to my operation so have a lot less stresses to deal with.
If you have the drowsy anti histamine they might help you relax and sleep too.

19-10-15, 19:00
Im hoping the new gp are nice :) i definitely didn't want to stay at the last one, i was too scared to even ring back so thats not good. I think my notes probably have something like hypochondriac on them! Its horrible when you need help and people just treat you like you're stupid.
Thats good that you have some time off to recover and don't have to deal with work at the moment.
Yes i was hoping they may help me to relax a little too, i am going to take one in a minute xx