View Full Version : Lightboxes

14-02-07, 16:56
Hi everyone

Chopper has posted on my thread of Citalopram Positive Comments, that he as good experience of use of a Lightbox.

My husband has said on occasion that he thinks I could well benefit from a Lightbox (he thinks I've always had a tendency to react badly to dark wet days).

My friend bought one for her daughter and I could possibly buy it second-hand, but don't want to waste money I can ill afford.

If any NMP members have good and positive experiences I'd be grateful to hear. Are they expensive to use (ie, do they use a lot of power?) Do you have to sit directly in front of it or does it just need to be in the same room? Can they really help regulate your sleep pattern?

Any comments would be welcome.



14-02-07, 18:16

Never tried a lightbox, but here are a couple of links.

SADA state that a number people offer a short term trial or hiring. This may be worth researching.

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

14-02-07, 20:45
Hi Sandie,
I have recently bought a light box from www.sad.uk.com after noticing my tendency to fall ill with anxiety/depression during the winter months. I’ve been using it for the past couple of months & it has helped, especially on dark days. Its therapeutic effect on the brain is not as immediately obvious as that you would get from sitting in the sun, but if you use the lightbox daily for at least 40 mins I think you should see some improvement, particularly if you suffer from SAD, & have gone into hibernation mode. You don’t have to sit directly in front of it or constantly look at it either so you can do other things whilst having your light therapy, but its better to sit fairly close with the lightbox at such an angle so as to allow the light to shine into the eye. Its recommended that you look directly at the light every so often to get the full benefits. Its also best to use it earlier in the day & not in the evening so it won’t disrupt sleep patterns. Mine doesn't seem to use up too much power. The only real downside is the price! It’s not a quick cure for depression by any means, but if you use it daily & over a period of time it can help boost seratonin levels. Hope this helps :D

14-02-07, 22:48
Hi, I was watching an article on TV this morning about this, the GP said that paticular one he had was £200 but only needed to be used for 20mins on a morning, he also showed a visa, so you could walk around with it, perhaps there are some links on the website, not sure what the programme was, as I dont normally watch tV but it was This Morning or similar,


mrs sunshine
15-02-07, 14:22

I've had a light box now for about two years and use it religiously as the nights draw in until it gets light again. I am definitly affected by dark short days and can instantly feel better when I see a bit of sun so my light box goes some way to help me feeling better.

I got mine from Boots - I think it was about £70 which sounds expensive but I've used it so much. I keep it on my desk at work and at home in the corner of my lunch which means I catch some rays everytime I walk past it.

For me it helps to take the edge off my anxiety so would recommend getting one if you feel the same about dark days.

Hope this helps