View Full Version : Anxiety out of nowhere - how to mentally get on top of it

18-10-15, 19:23
Apologies for the repeated posts tonight, I'm going through some stuff and posting on here is distracting me!

I'm home alone today, been here for about 6 hours. I'm just lying on the sofa, watching tv, nothing going on. I should be perfectly relaxed but I'm not. I feel like my internal engine is running. It feels like I'm sat in my old car, just gently vibrating away. I assume it's my heart beating quickly - I'm trying to avoid checking.

There's no reason for it to beat quickly though. I've drunk loads of water, ate well, no coffee or medication, etc. I am getting over a cold so perhaps it's that.

But I feel on edge as a result. It's like a vigilant, apprehensive feeling like before the dentist. It's obviously clearly anxiety but there's nothing anxious going on. I'm just lying here.

My problem now is - how do I relax and calm down? I'm already relaxing in front of the TV. There's no stresses around. What else can I do?

18-10-15, 19:28
I'm from North East and my mental health team sent me a relaxation cd which is good, I'm trying to train my mind to relax and block thoughts.

18-10-15, 19:43
I went to see a hypnotherapist and he gave me a relaxation CD so maybe I'll try that. I tend to find I go from 0 to feeling terrible in a few seconds, and once I'm in that state, I can't focus on a CD.

18-10-15, 19:46
Put it on when you're feeling quite calm, persevere with it and try to keep shifting the focus back to the cd.

19-10-15, 08:53
I also will go from 0 to anxiety through the roof. I will lie down relaxed on the sofa. Then it's just like my brain says: why are you so relaxed? You are going to die! Remember that lymph node in your neck (or whatever is going on atm).

And then, not much later, i'm prodding things and preparing for coming doom.

Does a relaxation CD really work? And Traceypo: How do you train your brain to block thoughts and relax? You mean like meditating?

Have a great day guys!

19-10-15, 09:03
I'm still persevering with the cd, totally agree with what you say, I don't relax as I know that's when I'm my most vulnerable so for years I've avoided relaxing, I'm always doing something, whether it be messing about on phone, laptop, housework etc.
I've started with the cd to try and break that cycle, I am enjoying it, there's a candle watching part which is good as my mind is focused on the candle with the relaxing music.
When I'm having negative thoughts, I try to switch my focus back to cd and remind myself I'm not thinking about this now, I'm relaxing.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but I try it every night in the hope I'll get into a routine of relaxing before bed.

19-10-15, 09:27
Gotcha. Yes. It is very strange that our minds sometimes just scream out when we are relaxed. Sometimes it feels like i'm fighting myself on certain levels.

Thanks for the feedback on the CD. Will def. try it!

19-10-15, 10:08
I get like this a lot. I always feel a low buzz of anxiety in the background most of the time and it makes it very hard to relax. I have found the best thing for me personally is to go for a warm bath and listen to my Dr Claire Weekes audio tapes on my phone. Usually within 5 mins of listening to them, the buzz either goes fully away or it dampens down a hell of a lot.

19-10-15, 14:36
I beg to differ on that the anxiety is coming out of nowhere. I contend it's there all along.

You said yourself: "I feel like my internal engine is running. It feels like I'm sat in my old car, just gently vibrating away".

The anxious physiology stays anxious for a long period of time even when the stimulus has faded. Think of it like a campfire. You can stop throwing wood on the fire but you're still going to have a hot bed of coals for a long while afterwards. All it takes is a little fuel and it's burning hot again.

That's what goes on in the anxious physiology and what you felt while relaxing IMO. I wish I had a suggestion other than therapy and/or meds but those are the proven methods.

Positive thoughts

19-10-15, 15:33
My worst bout of anxiety ever happened to me about 15 years ago. I was fine, felt great. Then for no reason I could ever discern, anxiety washed over me like a switch flipping. It was awful. It lasted three four months. 3 hours of sleep a night, unable to focus, a nervous wreck. And I was not worried about anything at all. Nothing. No hypochondria, no life situations, nothing.

It did help me get he assistance I need and learn some cbt techniques that I still work to master. It also did help me learn to cope a bit, but it was the darkest time in my journey with anxiety. I felt I was going insane. Now I have small bouts with it but do have much better control over it.

19-10-15, 17:51
I accept that it doesn't come out of nowhere. I meant it comes out of nowhere obvious to me. I can't see a logic for it. I can't easily tie it back to an event or circumstance. Even if I could, I don't know how to control it because it's not a case of removing myself from a situation because the situation could have been hours, or days ago.

I think therapy or meds are the best two options. I've tried many therapies. I'm really hesitant about trying meds. I've got propanonol but I really wanted to beat this without medication.