View Full Version : Heart fears!! Or acid reflux?? Please help

18-10-15, 20:33
Hi all,

Ok so my anxiety is majorly high right now. I have just started a new (very high-pressure) job, which is my dream job, but it's all very new and i'm feeling a lot of pressure. I've been there two weeks now and my anxiety has spiked since then - I even had a full-on panic attack during my first week and had to hide in the toilets until it passed.

I went to the Drs about two months ago with persistent pains in my stomach - he said it was acid reflux, told me to take Gaviscon and avoid spicy/fatty foods etc - which did help after a while. But now the pain is back and I feel like it's my heart!!

I am getting a lot of heartburn, but also pains through my upper chest, incredibly tense and sore back and shoulders - but the worst thing is that I get a sharp, stabbing pain right above my heart (just kind of under my left breast) whenever I do anything too vigorous. If I start running, or even if someone makes me jump, or i'm on a hot tube platform - I get the stabbing pain that lasts for about a second and then repeats a few times. I even got it when I was in the bath! Not exactly relaxing!

The doctor told me on Friday that it's acid reflux and that exercise can trigger it, he has given me pills to help - but it just feels so random. I'm terrified that it's my heart and it's making me too scared to do exercise - which I NEED because sport is a huge, huge stress reliever for me and a massive part of my life.

I am 26 and i'm healthy, fit and don't smoke - so I know i'm low-risk for heart problems - I just can't shake the fear that I have angina! I had an ECG two weeks ago (after an embarrassing 4am dash to A&E) which was fine, but i've heard it's not a great test unless you're actually having a heart attack. I also played two solid hours of intense sport last weekend and this weekend - I got slight pains when I was warming up, but then played the full two hours pain-free!

Has anyone else had these sharp chest pains?? I just want to feel normal again and focus on my new job - rather than obsessing over my heart.

Sorry for the essay - if anyone can help or offer their advice I would be so so grateful. :hugs:

xXx Kittenface xXx

18-10-15, 22:02
I'm pretty sure short stabbing pains are almost never heart related, unless you're having a heart attack. If they go away when you're exercising, that should put your mind at ease. Angina is the complete opposite, lol.

Obviously it's hard to get past the anxiety. Acid Reflux can cause all kinds of craziness, I also have it. I don't get back pain but I'm pretty sure I've read that you can.

If you can't get past the anxiety and 'what ifs', push for an echocardiogram. You're definitely too young to have blocked arteries, especially since it sounds like you live a healthy lifestyle.

Hope you feel better soon.

pasta heaven
23-10-15, 22:42
Hi, I have similar symptoms to yours except that I had a racing pulse also. My doctor sent me to hospital for an assessment and they gave me an ecg, chest xray and took bloods (heart related) and they all came back fine. They told me it was more likely to be viral and to take parcetamol for the pain which does ease the upper back ache. I've also got a history of gastric acid reflux and oesophagitis so pain killers are going to aggravate this. I started taking Gaviscon also. I get terrible anxiety worrying over my health which is not helping the situation. This probably escalated my pulse. Your problem could be muscular through playing sport. Also, with regard to your pain under your left breast, I believe the stomach empties on that side and when I lay on my left side I get a lot of gas so I try to sleep on my right side. Look up tietze disease, I think that's how you spell it the i and e could be the other way around (pronounced teets) named after a German physician which is inflammation of the ends of the ribs. That too could be causing the discomfort. Hope you feel better soon.

Malcolm Lewis
27-10-15, 16:17
Hi Kittenface,

If you have been A/E and they have done an ECG that would in all probability show up any problems.

In a young man like you it would show if you have had an infact ( heart attack ) and also ischaemia ( reduced blood flow ). I can be almost certain that if you went in with chest pain they would have done a full blood series lookng for cardic enzymes as well. They would not mess around, you would have known.

Reflux often presents with 'chest like pain' as you describe.

The stomach lies high in the abdomen, and acid can reflux into the lower oesophagus ( in the chest ) leading to substernal pain similar to heart pain.

As mentioned, twinges on the left side (nipple area) are not in the same region as those of a heart attack, so your Dr is correct. At your age you would in all probability have more symptoms if you were suffering from a heart attack, ie pallor, sweating, pulse irregularities, fainting or even loss of consciousness....

Acid reflux can be a pain in the backside ( I am suffering now, and have all sort of chest aches, and I am 60 and probably more liklely to have a heart attack, but I know its not ! )

It is natural to worry. I worked as a health proffessional for 40 years and became a ruddy hypochondriac the moment I retired.!!!! I was that busy dealing with others when working that I never thought about myself...Now I have lots of time to worry, and its not a nice place to be.

I am pretty sure you can be reassured by your GP. they are highly experienced and certainly know the symptoms of heart disease !!

Hope that helps
