View Full Version : Is this panic attacks? If so please help

18-10-15, 22:38
Used to anxiety but this is weird! Feel crazy like i might die or pass out. Feel like my insides are pulsing and my heart is shaking. My pulse is normal I just feel crazy! Keeps happening over the past two weeks. Feels so uneasy like I could collapse. It freaks me out I am here alone with my kids my husband is away for weeks for work. Any advice how to cal m myself down!

19-10-15, 09:49
This sounds like a panic attack. There are so many different variants of panics. One day one might feel like you have a dry mouth and a churning stomach and it quickly passes in what feels like a minute if you just sit down and breathe and then the next day other attacks come on with the full on pounding heart, utter fear of death and a sense of impending doom, extreme dizziness to the point you feel you will collapse if you stand up and they can take up to an hour to fully calm down from.

The best thing you can do in the middle of a panic attack, whether its a big or small one is to stop what you are doing and breathe slowly. Sit down if you have to, its ok to take some time out to recover from the attack. Trying to keep yourself distracted while having one can add more tension and make it last longer but if you sit down and relax, you don't add as much fuel to the fire so to speak so it doesn't have any more to work with and will cool down.

Also talk to your GP, even if its just for reassurance. It took me a while, years actually, to accept all I was experiencing was anxiety and panics and not some sinister physical illness as the symptoms can be that strong and convincing. Also, some medical conditions can mimic anxiety so its good to get a full check up to rule everything out and that'll give you even more peace of mind when you feel a panic coming on again because you will know its just anxiety and nothing wrong with your body.

20-10-15, 09:47
Hello shanlynn1012,

Hi i know you're freaking out about this new experience but it is just as GingerFish mentioned, it is just another variant of panic attack. The reason why this had such an impact is because you haven't felt it before. If it happens again try to sit down for a while, breathe calmly, and focus.

If it really bothers you go to your doctor and tell him about the incident. If you fear of falling down make sure that your kids are always near you so they can support you. It's essential that you're with someone whenever panic attacks occurs.

Now in calming yourself there are many ways to do so. Simple meditation works well, there are also natural remedies like lavender extracts, chamomile tea, lemon balm tea, and hemp oil products can help you calm down.