View Full Version : Side effects....

19-10-15, 08:50
Hi everyone. Ive been on citalopram 10mg for 4wks and during those weeks I had a pretty bad cold/cough etc.. I have an embrassing issue...Im incontinent??! im only 31 years old with no children. And Im not sure if it due to the cough which i occasionally still have mostly at night or due to citalopram as its the only drug i take??

Anybody had this issue on citalopram...I keep panicking and my anxiety is so high as it difficult to manage at work etc.. x

19-10-15, 13:40
Anybody? :weep:

19-10-15, 14:16
I unfortunately can't answer you but I am sure someone will come on soon as it is clear that you are extremely anxious in your present state.

If not give your doctor a quick ring and explain what you have described here.Good Luck

19-10-15, 14:31
Thanks Ricardo. Going to make an appointment this week. x

29-10-15, 11:11
Hey sop84, I've had sneezing spells due to citalopram, but it wasn't as bad as yours, however, I stopped after a short period of time so yeah. I guess the cough could be a normal side effect as such. Good luck with your appointment!