View Full Version : Worried - not sure if just burned out from stress or I have a bug.

19-10-15, 10:04
I'm always a very highly strung and panicky person and lately my stress has been through the roof. I've started back at uni, money worries and then my mum and stepdad were in a car accident. Thankfully they are fine but the panic I went through when I got told how close they were to being in a fatal crash, floored me.

Anyhoo, for the last week or 2, I just haven't felt like myself both physically and mentally. Its hard to describe. Mentally I feel washed out, no notion for anything, cry easily, pessimistic, drained, lifeless, uninterested and easily panicked and anxious.
Physically I feel shattered no matter how much I sleep, not much of an appetite, aches and pains everywhere especially my joints, dodgy stomach, covered in spots (which isn't like me, I rarely ever get spots), got some styes in my eyes and covered in mouth ulcers. I'm also on the pill and have been for four years and have no problems on it. Usually I don't bleed at all on it but this month I've had two 'periods' on it and they have also knocked the stuffing out of me.

I don't know if its a bug, stress or related to hormones but I just feel like utter crap and I can't seem to shake it off. I have a docs appointment and the soonest I could get was for 10 days time so it might all be away by then but thought best just to take that appointment anyway.

Its worrying me as its been a while since I've felt this way and I have those annoying thoughts that come with anxiety such as "this will never go away" , "its actually some illness you have had for ages finally coming to light". Just looking for some tips on how to perk myself up a bit as I've tried things like going for a bath, sleeping more but I still feel physically and mentally burned out.

19-10-15, 10:27
Hi hun, I'm from North East and there's being a virus going round which has resulted in many of your symptoms.
I'm very interested in the period thing, I'm on minipill too and during a recent period of stress when I needed an operation, I too had two periods, stopped bleeding in-between for a few days, I usually don't have any. I had my pill check, my practice nurse who is very experienced, was not concerned so I put it to back of mind.
You have to recognise that you've recently had a rough time and there's been major changes in your life and routines.
Try to gain some control over this and take the positives.
You're back at uni, brilliant, this shows you're thinking of your future, the new routine might be difficult at first, but you should adapt, I hate when the kids go back after summer holidays, it stresses me out trying to get back in that routine, but eventually I adapt.
Your money worries, what can you do to deal with this, can you cut back on anything, use online info to help, I save a fortune by doing grocery shopping online.
Your mum and stepdad are fine, that's fantastic, it may have been a close call, but the what ifs are unhelpful, they are unhurt and happy, be thankful hun.
Try doing some short walks, it may help increasing your energy levels. As for the negative thoughts, you're an intermediate member, that's evidence of your experience of anxiety, eventually those thought will go away. If you're run down, your more vulnerable to anxiety.
I think it's great that you're willing to wait those days out to visit doctor, well done.
Hope you're feeling better soon xxx

19-10-15, 10:33
Yeah its the mini pill, Cerazette I am on. I was told by the doctor that bleeding every day on it, never bleeding at all or bleeding every few months was all normal. You bleed when it wants you to bleed lol. The bleeds have felt as sore and as draining as a normal period.

Yeah thankfully I am doing my degree with OU so I do most of my work from home so I don't have to worry about showing up for lectures, that would just make me worse.

Yeah I am very grateful they are ok, its just so hard not to think of what could have happened when you have anxiety.

I'm going to try going for a walk later, as I need to go to Asda anyway. I've been out every day for the last week to go over and see my mum and I often find I am better when I am outside and feel worse the minute I get back to my flat. I still feel utterly drained when I am out though but my mood improves. I think its because I've had so many panics in my flat that I no longer see it as my safe place. Its more of a reminder of all the terrifying feelings I've felt.

I'm going to buy a lot of fruit at Asda later. Hoping some smoothies give me a boost as I've barely ate lately and what I have ate has just been junk food or just pieces of plain bread here and there.

19-10-15, 22:44
Anxiety hits the immune system as does stress in general. People without anxiety disorders can under prolonged periods of stress and feel like they have colds which is a classic sign of the immune system being lower. I used to get it when worrying too many hours for too long and have known people have said the same.

Anxiety means your body is working harder and burning through nutrients quicker. Those government RDA's ate meaningless to those who work out a lot, athletes, military, etc because they area working their bodies harder. I believe the same with anxiety.

I suggest getting your diet healthy and definitely get a load more vitamin C in you. Despite my anxiety, I've had 1-2 colds maybe in 9 years despite being in close proximity to loads of people who have. I take vitamin C. It even got rid of chest infection for me early this year, in higher doses, which is a first as with asthma I've always had to go on antibiotics and even steroids as a child.

20-10-15, 09:13
I feel a lot better physically after eating a lot of fruit and smoothies yesterday as well as going for a walk and I've noticed my spots and styes aren't as painful now and are starting to dry up so taking that as a good sign. My anxiety is still a bit high. I took a bad panic attack last night which took ages to calm fully down from but I also feel a bit lighter after that attack if that makes sense? I'm still a little on edge though