View Full Version : panicattack that wont go away

19-10-15, 12:22
i just wanted to ask if anyone has the same type of thing. I posted the other day. I went to the doctors a specialist about a fear I had. He examined me did a few different tests and said anxiety. I was doing better then the day before yesterday and yesterday I had some weird dizzy spells. which makes wonder If the doctor was right

I feel all nervous inside, like I'm worked up all the time. I feel sick which comes on fast then leaves. I feel a bit shaky and dizzy.I have also lost my appetite and when I think about eating I feel sick. can this be a panic attack??????? can they go on like this. :weep::weep: do you think I need to go back and see a doctor or maybe the same doctor.

To be honest I'm not sure how much more I can take of feeling like this, I'm so so low. my husband has told me if I continue like this he will get a divorce because hes had enough. I'm trying to keep how I feel to myself because I don't want him to leave me. I'm currently not living in the uk and were just about to move back there. I cant start any therapy here one because of the move and two its very expensive. I am also pregnant and they wont give you any medication. I'm so low and lonely and I'm frightened.:weep::weep:

19-10-15, 12:34
You have all the classic symptoms of anxiety not a panic attack and what your husband has said, doesn't help matters.

Go back to your doctors ASAP and relate everything you have posted here, let the doctor see there is an urgency to your issues.

19-10-15, 12:47

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

19-10-15, 14:19
I feel your pain, Donna. I can go for a couple days, a couple weeks and feel fine. Then all of a sudden I will have a major anxiety spell with physical and mental symptoms that take a very long time to go away. In fact, I was so shaken up last week, I went to an Urgent Care one night because I didn't know what else to do. My family wasn't home, I was alone and scared and needed reassurance. Sounds crazy, doesn't it?

It's hard for me to shake my anxiety symptoms, and I find with each "spell", the symptoms are different. As someone who experiences health anxiety, it's extremely difficult because I feel as though something is majorly wrong every time.

I can go from the highest of highs to extreme low within the matter of hours-- I find keeping myself busy helps, but doesn't "cure" it. I hope you can find some answers soon- perhaps speak with your doctor about some alternative medicine since you are pregnant?

22-10-15, 12:55
Hi DonnaT

What you had experienced seems to be anxiety and panic disorder. What did your doctor prescribed to you? You should undertake counseling and bring your husband. he should understand what you are going through. Instead of making divorce threats he should be helping you recover.

There are many alternative medicines available out there. Counseling is essential so look for a good clinician. You can also do Yoga and some breathing techniques.

I hope this helps you. Let me know how you are in the future.

22-10-15, 14:51
From my 14+ years experience with anxiety/panic what you are describing is not a panic attack specifically but heightened anxiety in fear of another panic attack, among other things. Unfortunately, the term panic attack has lost its meaning over time. A true and actual panic attack is actually quite short in duration (as compared to long-lasting anxiety). It is possible to have a panic attack that intensifies, then decreases only to have another one very short after; however, due to the action of our adrenal glands, there is not really any such thing as a days-long continuous panic attack.

Sounds like your body, specifically nerves, have become very sensitized. This is a very common situation that we all find/have found ourselves in. I realize this doesn't necessarily offer any real help or advice but sometimes understanding exactly what is going on with our bodies is a window to acceptance. The more you fear the feeling you have and fight against it, i.e. doing your best to "hold it together", the worse it can be and longer it lasts.

I know it has been repeated many times over in the forums, but that is for a good reason - because it is fantastic, but have you read Claire Weeke's "Hope and Help for your Nerves"? Additionally, if you have access to Audible or another audiobook application, Dr. Weekes has recordings based on this book that are very helpful and, as the title says, offers hope, which is the first necessity to healing.