View Full Version : dvt fears anyone advice?

19-10-15, 15:35
i have ridiculous aniexty at mo going from dvt to heart and back again

so 3 weeks ago i had positive d dimer . mine was 310 cut off 230 had ct chest scan was clear 2 days celexane left leg doppler clear.
then had d idmer redone few days later again positive cut of 243 mine was 263
had another scan of left leg clear
went to doctor as couldnt stop worrying he arranged a scan on both legs
well that was ten days ago and yesterday i started experiencing bad pain behind my right knee and iv freaked!!!!!! im convinced they missed a clot on right leg and im goign to drop dead any minute it nto swollen it not hot or red just painful i cant convince myself it ok and im not going to be one of them stories u hear on the news where they missed something
does anyone know anything about dvt i cant go back to my gp he will probly kill me himself!

---------- Post added at 15:35 ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 ----------

really struggling my head screaming your going to die at me i spend all day crying i just cant cope anymore

19-10-15, 15:40
I believe I've seen several members post a number you can call in the UK (is it 111?) for some help when you're really feeling this bad.

Perhaps some immediate intervention would be helpful at this point.

I hope you feel better.

Positive thoughts

19-10-15, 18:57
I visited my gp who is referring me back for another scan to stop me panicking but as soon as I got home I started worrying about the other leg its driving me insane :(

19-10-15, 19:25
Maybe your GP can refer you for therapy and/or give you a chill pill to help?

Positive thoughts

20-10-15, 10:50
i have diazapam but it doesnt do anything and im on a waiting list for therapy lol

20-10-15, 15:32
D-dimer can be raised for other reasons, it's not very specific. Are you still on clexane?

20-10-15, 16:26
no they said i dont need it they just doing scan to shut me up it goes from dvt to once they say i havent got it i get horrible things with my heart like palpatations i feel like im going mad i try to ignore it but it so strong it untrue

20-10-15, 17:06
I get palpitations. I try to enjoy them. Don't like the chest pain i get when anxious though!

Is there any rational reason why you might have a DVT? (apart from d-dimer). Do you have cancer? Are you immobile? Are you pregnant?

20-10-15, 19:07
im overweight which im working on and i smoke which i am working on one my legs is alot bigger then other but they cant seem to work out why i dont have major risks but i dont have none either
i was misdiagnosed one once told i had one and literally said to me and my husband your going to die... i didnt even have one i was having a aniexty attack! but it frightened the life out me