View Full Version : can throwing up cause bruising across the chest?

19-10-15, 16:21
Threw up a couple of weeks ago then days later noticed two small yellow bruises on my chest. Kinda scared me at first but has anyone else had unexplained bruising on their chest? Quite worried now tbh, any replies would be appreciated

19-10-15, 16:38
I'm always finding new unexplained bruises . mine I put down to medication side effect plus very delicate skin. Maybe bruising caused by what you were leaning against when you were sick and you bashed yourself without knowing. Or even pressing your hand against your chest too hard I know I do this when I am sick. I'm pretty sure you have no need for concern

19-10-15, 17:18
I really want it to be just me bashing on the toilet when I was sick but I cant remember. I might go to docs tommorow and get another look at my blood test result I had back in may. Thanks for the reply.