View Full Version : Concentrated area of tension on my back

19-10-15, 19:43
There's a spot near my right shoulder blade that feels... sort of like the muscles are pulling it, or like my muscles are caught on something. Almost like it's numb in a way.

I guess it could just be ordinary tension, I've been very anxious for a few weeks now, but usually if I'm tense it's spread out over my neck and shoulders, never in a concentrated spot and never that far down my back. I'm trying to be rational, and for the most part I'm not worried (I've been through this enough times that the panic is more of a slow simmer than a rolling boil), but still. Reassurance is addictive. :unsure:

Anyone had this? Preferably someone who's seen a doctor about it?

I'm assuming it's either anxiety tension manifesting in a new way or leftovers from when I pulled a muscle in my back a few weeks ago. Or my terrible posture finally taking its toll. :P If it doesn't resolve itself by the end of the month I'll make a doctors appointment, but until then... has anyone else had tension like this?

19-10-15, 20:07
Sounds like a trigger point / knot / myofascial pain or whatever you want to call it.

Have someone massage it for a while, it should help. Or try something like deep heat.

Probably related to bad posture or your muscle pull. I get these quite often.

19-10-15, 23:06
Thanks, I'll try that. :)

20-10-15, 09:21
I have this too except it's all over my upper back, not just the one side. Its agony to touch and feels tight and like its about to rip and sometimes it goes like a kind of crampy, numb sensation. Its hard to explain.

Been to the doctor who dismissed it as anxiety and bad posture which to be fair, I do always sit and stand up very hunched and even more so when stressed or anxious which is 99% of the time. I find that a warm bath or the cold bio freeze gel helps. Some days heat helps more and then cold the other days. A back massage works wonders too. When it really flares up, that's when I can tell I am mega stressed and need to calm down because it feels like my back or shoulder blades are just about to snap and it reminds me to slow down.