View Full Version : Twenty-five years of this nonsense!

19-10-15, 22:09
I'm a health care professional who really should know better. I've suffered HA since my early 20's, which I like to blame squarely on my childhood and dysfunctional upbringing. Tried counselling, CBT and various chemicals over the years with temporary benefit, but this condition's hard to conquer! Now I try to joke about it so's not to put people off. My husband thinks I'm mad. I think he's the mad one to put up with me.
Now I control it mainly with exercise, cold hard reason and some strict rules for myself - WAIT TWO WEEKS BEFORE SEEKING MEDICAL ADVICE! Sometimes I even stick to those rules!
Best wishes everyone!

19-10-15, 22:17
Hiya Iblametheparents and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

20-10-15, 01:08

20-10-15, 14:09

21-10-15, 15:58
I am also new here and I, too, believe that a lot of my anxiety is due to a highly dysfunctional childhood I had, complete with any sort of anxiety producing issues you can imagine. I believe it has made me hyper vigilant about everything, and hyper aware of my body and its functions.

I, too, try to prescribe to the "wait two weeks for a doctor visit" and most of the time that works really well. Especially with things like strange skin rashes and bumps, bowel issues, etc. The vast majority go away on their own.

And I also realize that I used to seek medical help mostly for reassurance and have learned that even if I were totally reassured by a doctor, by the time I left the doctor's office I began to doubt the reassurance so I try now to go to the doctor with the understanding that it isn't going to calm my anxieties.

I'm so glad to find like minded people here who understand what a truly heavy burden anxiety is.