View Full Version : Lump on my sons leg

20-10-15, 01:16
Hi there. So I found a pea sized lump on my sons leg. Instantly because of my health anxiety I freaked out. I drove around looking for a walk in clinic and couldn't find one so I actually went to our children's hospital. They have a fast track clinic for non emergencies. The doctor there said it was just a fatty deposit and not to worry. Not cancer. I felt a little better but still couldn't relax. I begged my husband to go to our pedis tricks. The next day and he did and the pediatrician again said it was nothing to worry about, that it was a calcification of maybe a hair follicle and that I shouldn't worry. Even though two doctors have said it was fine I am STILL worrying and it is frustrating. Anyone know how to help this health anxiety suffering mama?

20-10-15, 17:48

20-10-15, 18:33
"two doctors have said it was fine"

Best reassurance you can get right there! The tried and true method of therapy and/or meds is what I would recommend to treat the anxiety.

Positive thoughts

20-10-15, 18:57
DR's are trained to recognise red flag symptoms so to have two go yeah yeah nothing to worry about is as good as it gets.

21-10-15, 15:00
Thanks. This is the power that health anxiety has. Even though two doctors have told me it is fine, I still worry, like I know more than both of them. It is an evil mind game. I just hate it. So hard to turn off.

05-06-17, 18:46
So I reposted this from two years ago. My anxiety has been perseverating on this stupid lump my son has. It may have gotten a tiny bit bigger over the two years, but if so it is barely noticeable. Can I relax about cancer as it has been there for 2 years without much change? My anxiety is climbing again and I want to stop it in its tracks.

05-06-17, 20:22
So I reposted this from two years ago. My anxiety has been perseverating on this stupid lump my son has. It may have gotten a tiny bit bigger over the two years, but if so it is barely noticeable. Can I relax about cancer as it has been there for 2 years without much change? My anxiety is climbing again and I want to stop it in its tracks.

after 2 years, i would certain it's benign :)