View Full Version : Sudden and random tiredness...

20-10-15, 01:32
Hey everyone :)
So i have this thing, i dont even know why. But for the past couple of months, almost every day or two, i just have these few minutes of complete exhaustion where i cant do anything but sleep. However, this only last for a few minutes (20 mins max) and i have no idea what that is. Im not sure if its a symptom of diabetes (because it says that lack of energy is a symptom: but for me, the exhaustion only lasts a few minutes). i have been diagnosed with panic disorder, so is this a consequence of that? i usually get around 6 hours of sleep so am i just getting sleep deprived?
Is there a chance that i am just over-reacting. I tend to that a lot as well as get worried over small matters. So it could just be that..
But anyways, any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys :D

20-10-15, 19:08

As someone with a fellow anxiety/panic disorder, i have experienced something similar. I find whenever i've had a flare up of anxiety, i feel bone tired for weeks afterwards. i always put this down to the fact that i've expended a LOT of energy worrying, stressing and fretting and in addition, haven't been sleeping well - waking up, insomnia etc.

When i have this i try to get into bed by 10 each night, and i occupy myself with a book so i'm not worrying about things whilst trying to fall asleep, i read till i fall asleep and try to get more than 6 hours of good sleep every night!

20-10-15, 20:57
Thanks for the reply :) . But thats not what happens to me, i only feel tired for like 20 minutes, and then im fine afterwards. Not sure why...
anyway, thanks again, i'll be sure to try out what you said :D

20-10-15, 21:04
I am in the same boat, and for a long time lived on 6 hours of sleep. In the end, as I got older (I am 45 now) I simply could not stay awake laying on the couch. Felt fine, then bam, I miss half a tv show asleep.

Also, every day around 3-6 PM I would be overcome with periods where it was all I could do to keep my head up. By 10PM I was fine and awake till midnight or 1AM.

Then my kids got older, and could get themselves out the door for high school without me being up with them, and I got 7ish hours of sleep. That helped immeasurably. Those episodes diminished dramatically. If you could finagle an extra hour of sleep, I bet it would work wonders. It would also help anxiety.

21-10-15, 00:07
thanks lowfry!
so its probably just sleep deprivation? it does make sense. im 17, and have been studying quite a lot for my final exams for uni entrance, and i also work and do a whole lot of exercise. From my schedule, ive found it quite difficult to get more sleep (and it doesnt help that my anxiety keeps me awake for a long time when im trying to sleep). However, once these exams are done (they finish in 10 days). I should be more than able to get more sleep (hopefuly) because all my exams are done and im done with high school forever! XD.
Anyways, thank you so much, and im glad you got better from these bouts of tiredness (it sucks. i know :( )
once again, thank you! :D

21-10-15, 02:03
Hi i can relate to this in fact ive post about it yesterday, its been 3 days already that ive been experiencing this tiredness and weakness and tigether with some odd feelings really frightens me.yesterday after i ate lunch i suddenly felt this tired ness and weakness.