View Full Version : Erectile Dysfunction

20-10-15, 15:30
Hi there, not sure where the best place to post this was but it is causing me a great deal of health anxiety and also depression because of it.

I'm not sure what the exact problem is, I am still trying to work that out, but here are the facts.

- I am 24
- Sexually active with a partner
- I have always had issues staying hard as long as I can remember
- I can achieve a 100% erection usually when alone or watching porn
- I can achieve a 100% erection for a short while with my partner but then it randomly goes soft
- Some days I can be fully turned on with nothing happening
- Achieving an erection in the morning and keeping one is almost impossible

- I believe i have performance anxiety as well
- I always worry about it happening which in turn causes it to happen

Due to the way my mind works I need information to be able to fix this, i've read a book which indicates pelvic floor muscle relaxation is key to being able to achieve erections. Where as i have also read other articles indicating the kegal exercises are ideal for this issue. What i can't work out is why that is the case, if you are supposed to relax the muscle completely (like you would when urinating) then why would you learn to strengthen it?

If anybody can share knowledge on this issue or can point me in the right direction i would be greatly appreciative. Even if you could just explain how you personally go about achieving an erection (what muscles you use or dont use etc.)

Any help would be amazing. Sorry for the embarrassing content and thank you.

---------- Post added at 15:30 ---------- Previous post was at 13:26 ----------

To give you an idea of how this affects me, I can be in a really happy mood and absolutely loving life with not a care in the world. This happens and I start to have suicidal thoughts. I never think like that normally but when this happens I physically don't want to live anymore because of it, which is not good for my overall progress in overcoming depression and anxiety.

20-10-15, 16:08
I had the same issue when I was 38 and it lasted for years, but I did overcome it.

Anxiety is brutal when it comes to ED. I got to where I began to fear sex with my wife. Which of course would make the issue worse. Relaxation--physical and emotional--was vital to me overcoming it. I used viagra for a few years but then had bad reaction to it and needed to quit using it. It had become emotionally addictive to me anyway.

So at 43 I was back to where I was when I started. I used CBT techniques and a very understanding and cooperative wife to get through it. The first step was to have some planned intimate encounters that would NOT result in intercourse. It was a way to learn to relax and understand that if you take the pressure of performance off the table, you begin to learn what that pressure does. Learning to relax, and breath, is the way to full function.

20-10-15, 20:25
At your age I would imagine this is all in your head. Pelvic floor strengthening won't do you much good for it. What's probably happening is performance anxiety and stress when with a partner. The fact you can get an erection when alone is proof of this.

One something gets in your head, you'll release stress hormones that cause the erection to go away. I get this too. It goes one of two way - my wife either gets offended / defensive that I don't find her attractive, or she realizes what's going on, tells me to relax and just enjoy the moment and not worry about being hard.

When we do that, I relax more and realize we can enjoy being together and touching. 99 times out of 100 when I am in this situation I get an erection anyway! If you can't at that point, just work on pleasing your woman! I bet at that point you'll be turned on and forget your problems!!